Friday, November 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 15, 2016

It feels like it has been a couple of years since this pair hooked up. It still to me is one of the stranger pairings. This former B+ list television actress who has had much more success as a celebrity and part-time sex tape star hooked up again this week with the foreign born man behind the curtain who wants to control the world or at least steer it in a direction of his own design.

Pamela Anderson/Julian Assange


  1. sandybrook1:08 AM

    Ok he's been in asylum in a foreign country's assembly building for years, who let her in?

  2. Tricia131:38 AM

    Sandyman she visited him - had a cookbook with her--maybe he's a vegan food enthusiast?!

  3. One (mean) question:
    Where'd he get the money to "hook up" with her?
    Did the embassy foot the bill?

  4. Paint Chips1:56 AM

    Maybe she gave him hepatitis.

  5. longtimereader2:26 AM

    Respect to assange for actually doing some real journalism. The e-mails were juicy as f***. It's not his problem the dems decided to have a nominee with that much baggage, scandal and negative ratings. Biden, j brown, michelle O, warren or sanders would have crushed trump.

  6. Dutch2:32 AM

    I loathe that rapist who is hiding instead of facing trial. If he wants Putin and his puppet Trump to be in charge of the world, well that just shows what kind of monster he is.

  7. #Facts3:18 AM


    You are aware that the supposed victim herself told the authorities that she wasn't actually raped, don't you?

  8. I kind of like them together. Hacker King and Baywatch Porn whatever. He could have been framed.

  9. Cherry5:06 AM

    Does he pay rent to the embassy?

  10. his only employee who didn't sign an NDA believes it:

    "Those who have faced the greatest torments are, of course, the two women who accused Assange of sexual offences in Sweden in the summer of 2010. The details of what happened over those few days remain a matter for the Swedish justice system, not speculation, but having seen and heard Assange and those around him discuss the case, having read out the court documents, and having followed the extradition case in the UK all the way to the supreme court, I know it is a real, complicated sexual assault and rape case. It is no CIA smear, and it relates to Assange’s role at WikiLeaks only in that his work there is how they met."


  11. She really has terrible taste in men...
