Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 7, 2016

This former A- list mostly movie actress turned professional partier turned made for tv regular might be in denial about her problem but when your coke bloat makes you look pregnant, it is time for rehab.

Tara Reid


  1. sandybrook1:25 AM

    I thought that was bones sticking out from beneath her skin.

  2. Dumblesnore3:00 AM

    Who is buying this terminally ill slore coke? Who sees her and is like, "yeah, I'll offer up some of my coke for free, or for a discount just so I can spend time with this total knockout?" I am hoping, by her appearance, that the Make a Wish foundation is the one supplying the coke, as like her final wish granted.

  3. Melissa4:53 AM

    Holy shit LMFAO. Classic. I mean fukin CLASSIC.

  4. Hortensia11:36 AM

    The last time her photo was on this site it was really scary. No way did she look pregnant, and there was nothing left of her except bones. There was nothing to be used as "coke bloat." Nothing but skin and bones.

  5. Zilla112:35 PM

    Ah, misogynists and the self hating women who "fukin" applaud them. Makes you wonder.
