Monday, November 07, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

January 2, 2008

Lots of fights during the holidays among family members. Fights during the holidays are not the exclusive domain of Tyra Banks staffers. Well during one family fight outside the restroom of a bar, a female singer who does some acting from time to time, got her wig pulled straight off her head. She's bald. Completely, without a hair on her head bald. I so wish there were a picture. It would be the most popular photo ever.

Whitney Houston


  1. longtimereader1:56 AM

    If only she was allowed to live with robin...

  2. back again2:01 AM

    uh-huh,whatever... no need for this reveal almost 9 yrs. later & almost 5yrs. after her death.

  3. Guesser2:05 AM

    This is mean, even for here. A lot of her problems started before she was famous, and if someone is completely bald, their is more going on than what meets the eye. here's a news flash, almost all African American women in show biz are wearing wigs. Most of the others have extensions. Now if one of those men had their pieces pulled off that would be funny. On a man it doesn't reveal other problems.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf2:30 AM

    No need to reveal this

  5. Nuzzy2:45 AM

    A woman was in a abusive argument and subsequently humiliated in public?

    How...funny? That one where the football guy knocked out his fiancée in the elevator was hilarious. It totally didn't make me want to vomit because my soul is gone.

  6. Aww I hate to hear that happened

  7. So... she had a bald fade on her first album cover
    Look it up

  8. lindylou8:43 AM

    So true

  9. Verbal Kint12:36 PM

    I don't care if she was bald, damn she had a set of pipes! BTW I agree, no need for this reveal.

  10. Diana3:32 AM

    She was a crack head that got her own daughter hooked on drugs leading to her death too. Anyone defending her is a piece of shit.
