Saturday, November 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7 - Anniversary Month

November 3, 2009

This C+/B- list television actress formerly on one of the most interesting shows of all time which is still on the air went around the event asking almost everyone if they had just a little bump of coke she could have to get through the night. Our actress is in the midst of a career transition.

Michelle Rodriguez


  1. Derek Harvey2:37 AM

    Wait-she wasn't on Teen Mom...

  2. What tv show was she on?

  3. LauraOK3:36 AM

    The Blind was written in 2009, so the TV show would be Lost.

  4. texasrose4:31 AM

    I hope she was also willing to pay in kind or barter for it.

  5. Lost is the most aptly named TV show ever. Those boys eventually admitted they had no story at pitch. And they went on to pull the same currapp with OUAT.

  6. CooCoo Catchoo11:55 AM

    She is conflicted hot mess. Self-loathing is a terrible thing.

  7. longtimereader2:22 AM

    She has also held onto her star status for over a decade while being one of the few openly out females in the industry. Respect.
