Monday, December 05, 2016

Blind Item #10

You know, there will be a day that comes soon when readers of tabloids and viewers of entertainment news will wonder why the media outlets continue to drive a story that someone is straight when they know they aren't. Give you an example, there is someone at this grammatically excitable network that had sex every day for months with this B+ list mostly movie actor who used to be in a franchise. In West Hollywood, it was as open as any other same sex relationship. However, even though the people at the network knew about it and behind the scenes loved them as a couple, the network is always on board with telling the world about his new girlfriend. You don't have to out someone, but why do you keep telling such blatant lies.


  1. Tricia133:03 AM

    Ryan Seacrest/Taylor Lautner

  2. sandybrook3:06 AM

    Because E! is a by-product of the PR firms and needs them on their side to survive. So no outing and play the game and know your role.

  3. cdanblows3:12 AM

    You know, there will be a day that comes soon where a person's sexuality is no one else's business and not fodder for swarmy gossip sites.

  4. Seacrest/Hutcherson

  5. S.D.AUNTIE3:27 AM

    Is that why there are pictures of Ryan with ex gal pal. He is a pruducer not an actor so just come out already . Taylor mught as well too since he is no longer tween heartthrob.

  6. Zilla13:32 AM


  7. Bumpy3:48 AM

    It's ok to gossip about straight relationships but not gay? I'm glad we're all living back in the 50's with Donald Trump and his buddies as our overlords.

  8. Wendy3:56 AM

    Taylor Lautner and Billie of them making out that looks really staged.

  9. Until true equality this is not that day. And when you say 'no one else's business' you betray yourself as an adherent of heteronormativity where people's sexuality is celebrated daily. Use your head.

  10. TheTruthHurts4:13 AM

    Heterosexuality is normal. Homosexuality is unnatural.

  11. hollah4:18 AM

    Really don't give an F what tabloids do regarding beards, etc. Would much rather main stream press outed all the PEOTUS' lies and called him what he is: a freaking freak show.

  12. talldark&handsome4:34 AM


  13. You do not make sense. My sexuality is in fact no one else's business (I'm straight), and neither is that of my gay friends. Pointing out a fact doesn't prove or disprove any particular thought process.

  14. Zilla15:11 AM

    Right to privacy is a basic human right. Only a selfrighteous, overly entitled, overly agenda'd asshole would construe respecting people's personal decison on if or when to come out of the closet as an oppressive statement of "you must conform to the hetero world."

    It will NEVER be anyone else's business what orientation someone is and it will NEVER be someone else's right to out them if they aren't ready or prefer never to come out. Mind your fucking own.

  15. @TTH - get lost. Heterosexuality is in fact "the norm" for the majority, but it's no more "unnatural" for gay people than being left-handed is for me.

  16. mariaj5:15 AM

    I might agree, except when there are beardings involved.

  17. Dereks Mommy6:34 AM

    Sing it son. you really don't realize how obvious you are.

  18. Cuah?8:14 AM

    I often think the only people who give a shit about two adults fucking each other are the ones stuck in a loveless marriage.

  19. Simmer Down8:34 AM

    This is a gossip site. For fun gossip while staring at ones I-phone on the train home. Celebrity gossip has been around since the days of Hedda Hopper. Back in the day gossip mongers like Hedda had some serious power in H-weird. Anyways as long as celebs need regular folk(fans) to buy what they're selling and to finance their extravagant life styles there will be gossip.No need for anyone to get their panties in a wad. Besides 75% of this silly stuff is floated by the stars teams or the stars themselves for that all too precious commodity known as attention.Good day all.

  20. Hot Cola10:45 AM

    +Infinity @zilla1
    ( excluding phedoes and rapist. Thats everybody's business)

  21. RenShaw12:26 PM

    I so hate it when gossipers tell me I can't gossip about xyz. All is on the table for game. Sans the kiddies (until they step into it like the Smith kiddies) who didn't ask for their shitty parent, nothing is off limits.

  22. Pedophiles and rapists cross gender preference lines and involve force with victimization. Most people are bisexual. 10% are straight and 10% are gay. All gender preferences are natural.

    Ignorance, however, is a choice.

  23. Zilla11:41 PM

    But who cares? Who is bearding really hurting or defrauding? Nobody.

  24. Zilla11:50 PM

    Where did you get those percentages?

  25. Masters and Johnson's legendary research study

  26. Godzilla4:12 PM

    Zilla1 wtf are you on a gossip site all the time then?? GTFO of here if thats how you feel and leave the gossip to those that enjoy it, ALL OF IT. Self righteous hypocrite!!

  27. Aaron6:44 PM

    Then how come 2 men can't make a child? How come butt sex can cause serious problems including contacting AIDS? Sorry but I've worked in the medical field. Any honest doctor will tell you it can lead to problems. So, there's a reason God called it abomination. He protected his people from diseases. Yes, Jesus gave grace to the wicked, however, the prostitute was told to change from her was and she did.

  28. mariaj7:30 PM

    and hurts the young people that are not out, too..since it make them them think that is better ( beyond that lucrative) to be in the closet than to be yourself. perpetuating the oppression.

  29. mariaj7:33 PM

    + to both RenShaw and SimmerdOwn

    So sick of people that: oh, my god, anyone's sexuality is not your matter on A GOSSIP site.

  30. NYCStudent12:57 AM

    @Aaron When you contacted AIDS, did you leave your phone number so it could call you back? There are many heterosexual couples that cannot have children, so is that God saying that their heterosexual and married sex is evil? And the Bible is full of different accounts of disease, so does that mean that the Israelites were not God's chosen people? Do you actually know the gospel of Jesus?

    Jesus spent a lot of his time preaching AGAINST people like you! Whoops! He referred to you as a Pharisee... People who only obeyed the letter of law in order to look good for others (why would you even make your post on CDAN unless you were convinced of your own "goodness") while on the inside were ravenous wolves. Pharisee: a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity.

    You want to preach the Gospel and show what a true Christian is? Then actually try to live according to Jesus:

    Matthew 25:35-40 New International Version (NIV)

    35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

    37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

    40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

  31. Mouse1:51 AM

    the Bible had about 67 things listed as abominations. including but not limited to : eating the flesh of pigs so if you like porkchops its off to hell you go. Wearing mixed fabrics is an abomination unto the lord as well so if your jeans have lycra and cotton better be ready for hellfire friends. Got a tattoo and you're a christian sorry for you the bible says that's wrong as well. People who go off about the bible and being gay usually are 1. Fighting gay feelings within themselves 2. Have never really read the Bible back to front. Seriously google all the things the Bible lists as abominations. It was written 2000 years ago. Let it go. Better yet get a red letter Bible which is a bible that has all of Jesus's words highlighted in red. The man was a rebel who hated greed, rich people without morals, the societal leaders of the time and above all else Jesus hated hypocrites. I don't think Jesus would align himself with so called christians of today who use the bible to justify their own fear and hatred.

  32. Jesus wept2:12 AM

    Let's not forget Jesus hung with widows (single moms) orphans (those darn needy kids) prostitutes and people who would be the rable rousers and anarchists of the time. His message was about the equality of everyone in gods eyes and image . And not all christians are homophobic. I'm a christian and our pastor is openly gay! Not all churches teach hate.

  33. immature7:51 AM

    Why the blatant lie? Because Lautner wants a mainstream career (notwithstanding the Neil Patrick Harrises) and may not feel ready to deal with bigotry.
