Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Blind Item #10

Honestly, you would think she would be color blind, but she isn't. This foreign born former model turned reality star turned kind of a momager definitely favors one high earning offspring over another of her high earning offspring. Apparently it all comes down to the less liked daughter dating a guy the mom considered to be too dark skinned which is kind of surprising given the history of the mom.


  1. Heather Chandler3:04 AM

    Gigi Bella Yolanda The Weeknd.

  2. sandybrook3:07 AM

    +too many to care

  3. nancer3:49 AM

    yolanda, no doubt.

  4. banKONIT4:01 AM


    you're so full of sh/it. seriously, lying about a disease for sympathy and then saying your kids have the disease too which they dont.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf4:26 AM

    Hate her

  6. June Gordon4:49 AM

    While I normally stand up for fellow prostitutes, I just can't with Yolanda.

  7. I ate my own head5:10 AM

    Yolanda needs to get off my tv. If I have to sit through another season of her whining about Lyme Disease I am personally suing Andy Cohen for emotional distress.

  8. You are a national treasure. never stop being you!

  9. TiggyTea5:33 AM

    As someone who's worked with patients with Lyme's disease, Yolanda offends me. Same with Selena and lupus. They are bringing attention to these diseases but under false pretenses. It undermines those who truly suffer from serious, chronic diseases, and pisses off those of us who care for them.

  10. bubbles5:52 AM

    Blind? This item isn't even near sighted.

  11. RenShaw6:25 AM

    I hate how my system insists on autocorrecting his stage name. I can't stand the mama, her ex-husbands, her daughter, their boyfriends and their squad friends.

  12. Anastasia Beaverhausen6:33 AM

    That Skank Yolanda.
    Can Lyme disease kill a person?
    Just asking.

  13. I have Lyme. It can kill, but that's very rare.
    I will say, it is a nightmare; and everyone's experience with it is different. I don't know if Yolanda has it - I've never watched the show - but if she does, my heart goes out to her. It's incredibly debilitating and so very frustrating to look normal on the outside and feel like death on the inside.

  14. I mean...her kids are half Arab, so there's that...

  15. Not trying to be an armchair diagnose-r but I never believed Yo had Lyme. She did, however have silicone breast implants leaking into her chest cavity and also was the right age for menopause which sucks ass. Having those leaky implants can create auto immune problems so my bet is on those as the culprit. The same thing happened to a friend and she ended up with Lupus later. It's pretty clear she was sick, the question is what was causing it. Lyme can be very hard to diagnose too. I realize that they are popular, but bolt ons are just not worth the risk. I'll live with my saggy twins any day.

  16. Camal1910:38 PM

    I think this is BS. On one of the shows, she was talking about The Weekend, and telling all her friends how nice of a guy he was and was gorgeous too. Besides, Yolanda is only favoring Gigi, because she's more successful than Bella. I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with who Bella is dating. That's ridiculous.

  17. Bumpy1:43 AM

    All these relationships are fake and for pr so who cares? It's not real, it's yo sell clothing and music and build careers.

  18. longtimereader2:21 AM

    Ironic considering she is on record not liking the idea of gigi being gay.

  19. Flash Gordon3:40 AM

    And yet the Victoria's Secret fashion show ratings have fallen for another year in the coveted 19-49 year old age bracket. They keep hiring these Instagram models who beard in the side as their showstoppers and the only people that care are horny 50 year old divorced guys at home with their beer and easy chairs.
