Friday, December 09, 2016

Blind Item #12

At this point it is not even an alternating weekend thing. This former A list singer has not seen her child in well over a month.


  1. sandybrook3:46 AM

    This one is Fergy

  2. Tricia133:47 AM


  3. GoTrollUrSelf3:49 AM

    Definitely. She should just relinquish custody and move on, allow the kid to move on. He's adorable and his dad seems like a decent parent.

  4. mariaj3:51 AM

    Fergie and her adorable son AXl. He still seems an happy kid, hope he remains that way

  5. Guesser4:11 AM

    I wonder if this is completely her choice, or if the child is being protected from her. If the drug rumors are true, she needs to get herself together. Why aren't they splitting for good?

  6. Hot Cola4:17 AM

    Well, he got what he wanted: he always wanted a child more than a mom.

  7. saddayinparadise4:20 AM

    Sad...self-absorbed, ex/current tweeker

  8. PoniTayl5:17 AM

    So Sad

  9. AyyyPapi5:17 AM

    Pretty sure this is a recycled blind.

  10. They're broken up?

  11. texasrose7:08 AM

    He's a good North Dakota boy.

  12. Melissa8:33 AM

    I saw this coming a MILE away...She NEVER wanted to have this kid, her husband was OBSESSED with having kids, he cheated, they got all pseudo religious, she got knocked up to make HIM happy/keep him around and here we are now.
    She has NO career so to speak of and a child she never wanted. And don't think for one second she does not blame that child for the death of her career cuz she does.
    She is narcissistic like that.
    I almost feel bad cuz I am sure TONS of women feel like this, I was raised by a woman who only had kids cuz her husband wanted them. But women need to stop with this shit, raise the kids you have with love or get the fuck out.
    Fergie should just relinquish custody for her son's sanity and future

  13. Cassie8:19 PM

    She just put an album out she has to promote it.

  14. I miss the days of Himmmm. Wonder if he still lurks here...

  15. John Paterson4:20 AM

    He probably has a lot of projects on the go.
