Thursday, December 15, 2016

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B+ list dual threat actress has a franchise that is starting again after being dormant for quite some time. I think the lead actor finally got a handle on his hair plug issue. Anyway, she wants to go public with her relationship with the A-/B+ list cable tv actor. He is cool with that but is also seeing someone from his show which he won't give up. Our actress would end up looking like she broke up another relationship which is not what she needs right now.


  1. Tricia1311:10 PM

    Dianne Kruger/Norman Reedus

  2. Tricia1311:11 PM

    Franchise is National Treasure(Nic Cage)

  3. Can someone explain to me the attraction to Reedus? I mean she cheated on Pacey for that???????

  4. Tricia1311:16 PM

    Wish I could@Lisa but no can do

  5. French girl11:28 PM

    Sometimes you can explain why you are sexual attracted by someone

  6. Yea, but the interesting part would be who his other friend would be from his show. That's the part I want to know!

  7. Malone DB11:30 PM

    He's nice, and seems kind, but very greasy, smelly and dirty, like actual dirt. So yeah I don't get it either.. maybe it's the motorcycle, or the metal eye socket?

  8. Tricia1311:34 PM

    I don't watch the show and not sure whose still on (don't they kill people off all the time lol)!Lauren Cohen maybe?

  9. Tricia1311:35 PM

    He must be fairly cuktured(artistic photography and jazz enthusiast),very funny I hear so there's that?!

  10. Could be. And yes they kill people off all the time. Maybe Christian serratos too. Maybe we'll find out when this is a reveal.

  11. I wish they'd kill off that comic book clown of a villain Negan!
    No saying Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a bad actor. Just the character doesn't make sense.
    (He would have been killed off by one of his own guys long ago in real life.)
    At least Hitler treated his closet advisers with some respect and decorum.

  12. I don't care for the actor Norman Reedus at all, but the character he plays, Daryl, is the epitome of what women find attractive in a man - minus the need for a bath. He's strong, tough, resourceful, but also kind hearted, sensitive, and reads people very well.

  13. Simon3:14 AM

    Diane Kruger was at his Paris show last night.

  14. Hot Cola6:45 AM

    You've just described my narcsistic ex-boyfriend to a T@epiphany

  15. @Hot Cola - I hope he bathed regularly, at least! A narcissist would care about his hygiene, no?

  16. Stacey9:32 AM

    Norman might not be seeing an actress on the show. It could be someone from the production set.

  17. Ashley3:18 AM

    the person he is seeing from his show that he dont give up....Melissa mcbride. Diane should never settle for 2nd best but i guess her ego is always big than the rest...i think she doesnt want to look like she lost. LOl but aren't this people all a little to old for all this pathetic nonsense???i mean reedus is almost 50...get a grip boy.

  18. Shauna11:32 PM

    @Ashley Agree! Both DK & NR act like juveniles. They forget they're both in their 40's, with him pushing 50! The only classy, mature one is Melissa McBride. She keeps her private life just that ..PRIVATE! NR doesn't deserve her. DK is so desperate & boring it's no wonder he doesn't want her exclusively. I hope Melissa dumps his old ass though bc she deserves much better than that horn dog.
