Sunday, December 25, 2016

Blind Item #1

Don't feel too sorry for this one named singer in a relationship with the sometime one named wannabe rapper/mogul. She got tired of being thrown to the side at holidays and actually has a new guy in her life. That mogul is going to be shocked to see her say buh bye in 2017. Oh, and with a nice chunk of change too.


  1. Cassie and Diddy. She was left out yet again on his family holiday trip. Calling BS on her having a new man or leaving. She's not going anywhere. Ever.

  2. The Polished Glutton1:17 AM


  3. Cassie and Dideroo

  4. Cassie. Diddy is vacationing with Kim Porter somewhere.

  5. Long Island Girl3:19 AM

    I thought Diddy was gay? Maybe he's bisexual.

  6. I thought Cassie had new music that was actually decent and wanted to get away from Puff anyway- at least according to a blind posted recently

  7. Hot Cola10:23 AM

    Not sorry for him. What ever comes his way, he deserves.

  8. RenShaw2:29 AM

    So she's leaving him again. She has nothing going for herself, least of all a functioning brain. I'm getting this; that he will pay her $25K a month. Dumb bitch should know he'll renege after the first payment and it's rinse and repeat.

  9. Can't see why not. Diddy may have money these days, but no real power.
