Saturday, December 03, 2016

Blind Item #1

The biggest talk about this former tweener turned adult bad actress/decent adult singer is not so much her rehab, but everyone wondering if her coke use would destroy what everyone considers to have been one of the best nose jobs ever done in a city filled with them.


  1. Derek Harvey1:07 AM

    selena gomez

  2. Derek's Anal Beads1:24 AM

    This was a TOUGH ONE

  3. I kinda like Selena s 2014 new trumpet! Save it girl.. save the trumpet!

  4. Dereks Mommy1:32 AM

    The only kind he ever NAILS is the obvious ones.

  5. Demi Lovato?

  6. Jejsndkd1:43 AM

    Ariana Grande.

  7. What s wrong with Derek s troll? Never got the full story

  8. Derek Harvey1:57 AM

    they have no life...

  9. Don t let them change your humour Derek. Im imune at trolls. Bad backside here lol

  10. We keep his ass in check @ wow. He is a vile human being, proven many times, and we do not allow him to harass innocent posters. Read older posts and comments and you will understand.

  11. matchomatches5:40 AM

    derek u should be flattered ive never seen such a dedicated stalker/troll in my life!

    i mean, they must spend at least 9 hours a day trolling you and others. they show up every single day without fail. I wonder if ur troll has a vitamin D deficiency. you know, from the only light they get being from their comp screen and not the sun.

    what is it about people who fail in real life going online to rage and troll? I know therapy can be expensive but this is more time consuming! silly

  12. Bullshit. I've been around here a long time, and the Derek attacks came out of nowhere and have been never-ending since. At least have the balls to own your asshole ways.

  13. Derek's Grandmama (from Saskatchawan)7:47 AM

    Speaking of "Nails", where is Derek. He promised to trim my toenails.

  14. Derek's Grandmama (from Saskatchawan)7:48 AM

    How does it feel to be the most despised individual in Entyland, pookie?

  15. Leave Derek alone. What is wrong with you people?? Grow up

  16. JimSummers7:32 PM

    Has Grande been in movies? Because honestly I've never noticed Selena Gomez's nose in my entire life, how can it be that special?

  17. Mary Contrary10:37 PM

    It's really Tricia and sandybrook does everything Tricia does.... I stopped commenting completely after watching other commenters railroad Derek and KNO. It's sad because Tricia and sandybrook have nothing new to say. I still come back for enty- good to see you, Derek, xoxo

  18. It is Selena or Demi. Why 1) They both have been to rehab. 2) It is something that people talk a lot about. (As said in blind)

    However, Selena is sometimes described like such by enty.
