Saturday, December 17, 2016

Blind Item #3

So, let me get this straight. The photographer you have been secretly sleeping with for much of 2016 is also your trigger. So, you (former tweener turned A- list singer/bad actress) go get "sober," and then decide the best course of action is to have him move into your place, because yeah, that should work out fine.


  1. Tricia131:31 AM

    Selena gomez

  2. Derek Harvey1:31 AM

    selena gomez

  3. Derek Harvey1:33 AM

    and maybe Tyler Shields?

  4. Derek Harvey1:35 AM

    actually some guy named "Elie"

  5. Im so sorry for her

  6. Derek Harvey1:37 AM

    *Johnathon. Her tour photographer. I wonder is Sami miro set them up...

  7. everyone is better than justin bib-Ūber...

  8. lol Enty's blind items about celebs r hilarious.

    Celebrity: *is seen with another person*
    Blind items/Enty: this A/B/WhateverTheFuck list celebrity is now sleeping with *person* in order to secure their cocaine availability ? lol like y'all create the most RANDOM correlations ever. Is it not possible for them to just hang out or do activities as one would without having some shady alterior motive to which you guys never seem to have concrete evidence for? Also, why does the blind always come out AFTER DailyMail or other tabloid outlets have posted an article on something partially related to the blind? To think people believe these things is just uncanny

  9. The blogger who is a lawyer for our entertainment was wasted again. He and the living room was a big mess. Vomit everywhere. That has been the last straw for the parents and they had enough. Rehab is calling.
