Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Blind Item #3

The fans of this foreign born former boy bander turned solo singer should know he is ever going to perform in their country. the drug laws are too strict and his addiction is so bad, there is no way he will ever sing there. His record company thinks he is fine. Uh huh.


  1. sandybrook11:02 PM


  2. sandybrook11:03 PM

    Dubai or Turkey not that he should anyway.

  3. austin11:12 PM

    Zayn just cancelled a Japan concert yesterday. They have strict drug laws too.

  4. Guesser11:24 PM

    +1@austin, Japan is very strict, and there's no other reasons he wouldn't perform their.

  5. AyyyPapi11:28 PM

    Enty knows more about Zayn than his record label and it's staff? K..

  6. Guesser11:37 PM

    @AYYYPapi, they know, they just lie for him. His drug use has been rumored about everywhere.

  7. I think its pakistan his country. He is asian

  8. longtimereader2:12 AM

    Well half british/ irish with a dad from pakistan.

  9. Hot Cola4:02 AM

    He's record company don't care as limg as he makes them momey.

  10. Yeah, but Enty says shit like he won't go without sleeves because he has to hide track marks, and then three days later there's a picture of him sleeveless. I think the rumours about Zayn have been somewhat exaggerated. Which isn't to say he couldn't like his drugs.

  11. Barbara RiceHand9:34 AM

    What I don't understand is all the stories on here about Taylor Swift and her no drug policy. But then she does a song w druggie Zayn. So you think he must be clean now. But no, because now there's this story.
