Monday, December 05, 2016

Blind Item #7

To say this former A+ list singer who is permanently A list and permanently has A+ list name recognition was out of it this weekend would be an understatement. Her people knew she would be forced to interact more than normal and they did something wrong because she was all over the place. Manic almost.


  1. Tricia1312:34 AM


  2. I think that's right. She's nuts anyway but maybe the drugs just makes her even crazier. Speculation is she's had a butt enhancement too - just what every 60 year old needs

  3. Tricia1312:57 AM

    @Simon I saw a pic of her onstage with Ariana Latte Grande and she looked-absurd.One thing to fight against ageism and celebrate your feminity and beauty as you get "on in years " but this is another level kinda acting out it seems.Her but now looks like 2cantaloupes attached to matchsticks

  4. Guesser1:09 AM

    When Madonna was young and surounded by people on drugs, she was not known to be a user. Getting older doesn't agree with her,she seems to think it will make her seem hip to younger audiences. Instead, she looks like someone to pity, she can't deal with not being in control of everything.

  5. Candyland1:11 AM

    Or, it could be Mariah and the debut of her new reality TV show...

  6. TiggyTea1:24 AM

    +1 for Mariah

  7. longtimereader1:34 AM

    For those of us who loved 80's Madonna. This was embarrassing.

  8. Zilla11:46 AM

    It is really odd that Madonna, who has been a strict health proponent all her life, is now suddenly getting into cocaine and whatnot. If this is true, I wonder if the custody case pushed her into the boozing and coke.

  9. Ettacettera1:52 AM

    She must be on the edge.,talking nice about Sean p, and k-butt surgery

  10. RenShaw2:02 AM

    I think this is Mimi although Madonna was quite the crazy bitch this weekend too.

  11. Hothotheat2:04 AM

    Being forcibly separated from people and things that you love can drive anyone to drink and drugs.
    But I think this is Mariah. She's organically nuts.

  12. RenShaw2:04 AM

    Could it be the other way around and her increased strange behavior is why Rocco does not want to be around her.

  13. Doctors that are not even mental professionals routinely prescribe and over prescribe all kinds of mood enhancers and antidepressants to menopausal women.
    She's got a Dr. FeelGood screwing her up legally, and it shows.

  14. snow day3:15 AM

    She probably thinks that being a druggie and having them around will entice Rocco into coming home. She's a great mother.

  15. Smash3:56 AM

    Britney. It was her birthday.

  16. mariah w/ her 20 goblets of nectar...
