Sunday, December 25, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 11, 2014

It is possible we may lose two A list singers to AIDS before the year is out. I have told you about one in this space before, and now another one is fighting for his life despite his assurances that his recent illness was minor.

George Michael (this is when he was in really bad shape. Even more so than back in 2012. The other singer is still with us too, but not in the best shape either.)


  1. Sunspirit10:48 PM

    Who's the other singer?

  2. MontanaMarriott11:17 PM

    I guess CDAN IS ok with outing someone's HIV status. Granted it was known in celebrity circles. Curious to know who the other artist is.

  3. Morrissey

  4. I ate my own head11:22 PM

    I think so too. He had pneumonia I think...

  5. Morrissey

  6. Guesser11:25 PM

    I guess saying the other person is alive eliminated some of the people who died this year.

  7. numoon611:28 PM

    And how many readers have gotten a HIV or HCV test? I did - have you?

  8. Sunshine Daydream11:34 PM

    I had shingles and my doctor requested that I take an HIV test - negative.

  9. Hothotheat1:38 AM

    Barry Manilo kight be the one. He's not looking good.

  10. Pellegrino2:42 AM

    Don't believe the other one is Morrissey. Saw him a few times on his tour last year, he was fit as fck.

  11. Zilla13:28 AM

    Morrissey has been very open that he has cancer, and has an "if it happens, it happens" attitude. Has to be someone more secretive.

  12. Zilla13:35 AM

    I hate to even bring this up. Elton John postponed a December 7th concert in Dubai,saying he had the flu.

    Let's say it isn't him either. I wouldn't be able to stand it.

  13. Outing? WTF? It's a disease. There is nothing shameful about having a disease. So ridiculous.

  14. It's not ridiculous if one doesn't want to expose their illness. It's only ridiculous if they know and yet still spread it to people around them.

  15. SnarkIsFun12:30 PM

    @TD - agree 100%.

  16. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)1:22 PM

    Please god, no. I can take the death of just about any other musician but not Elton.

  17. If it were someone else enty would point him as the the one who got this. Nice try.

  18. Trixie1:07 PM

    He has a couple of residency gigs scheduled and/or already on sale in Vegas for next year. It's not him. He couldn't get insured for those or an expensive tour if he were on death's door.

  19. rrroogg3:15 AM

    I don´t see Morrissey as A-list singer. I don't see him either in such a bad shape either, though I think he's got the disease too.
