Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 5, 2016

This foreign born mostly television actor broke rule #1 in Hollywood. He walked away from a hit show. I mean, they barely filmed a couple of months a year and he still walked away from it. Anyway, he has his own show now. He told the producers that any women hired for roles must be young and hot. The only size they are allowed to have is in their breasts. The guy is such a tool.

Dan Stevens


  1. james1:42 AM

    i am surprised that no one has made up any blinds about chris pratt and jen lawrence yet

  2. GoTrollUrSelf2:03 AM

    Even after googling him, I didn't recognize him. Downton Abbey.

  3. Zilla12:03 AM

    ex-Downton Abbey star. I never watched it either, had to google his name.

  4. lemon swizzle2:08 AM

    I could never understand why he and the actress playing Lady Sybil left that show. But it makes me sad that Cousin Matthew is an asshole.

  5. ummmm...who? Never heard of this guy. Probably for the best since he's an idiot.

  6. HH3143:06 AM

    I guess cousin Matthew forgot that he used to be chubby and plain looking on Downton Abbey. He best be saving his money because this gravy train is soon coming to a stop

  7. Shorny4:32 AM

    oh, I'm sure his producers are having a terrible time accomodating him on his sick requirements on women. They must be just pulling their hair out in fits.

  8. I ate my own head6:40 AM

    Double WHO?

  9. does he sleep with the costars? isn't he married with kids?

  10. Small Penis Porn3:44 PM

    Maybe he wants to peench their neepoles
