Thursday, December 22, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 11, 2016

It didn’t take long for this southern reality star who is not a Housewife or Married To Medicine to start using again. She was crazy wasted this weekend.

Kathryn Dennis/Southern Charm


  1. sandybrook1:23 AM

    way to use the word "star" Entern. You must use the same thesaurus TMZ uses.

  2. She's young and foolish. She will look back on all this some day and cringe at her actions. I do feel bad for her two young children, though. Those cute babies have two parents who are both emotionally and mentally immature. Let's hope grandparents bring some sort of stability into their lives.

  3. LOL good point Sandy. Seems everyone is "star" these days....

  4. sandybrook1:57 AM

    Stars used to be famous or names known to the general public. TMZ z-listers are stars because they let TMZ take their pics in order to become famous. Worse than any other gossip site.

  5. Best reality show.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf8:15 AM

    All you need to be an IG 'star' is a phone with a camera and boobs. Low bar these days.

  7. @Lisa : more interesting than "Downton Abbey"...

  8. Xorena4:38 AM

    She was using last season and the BD seemed to be her supplier which us why he covered for her sometimes and would be low key about throwing her under the bus publicly. No one would put up with that erratic behavior if they weren't using, too. Knowing what I know about the southern community, I'm guessing pills and coke.

  9. To @ Xorena --- you are absolutely on target about Kathryn Dennis. Incredibly, on other social media platforms, many people defend her instability and irrational behaviors and words. Clearly, she has serious substance abuse and psychological/emotional issues. It is too bad she hasn't sought intensive, long-term therapy, especially, now that she has two children.
