Friday, December 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 7, 2016

The plan for this B list drunken celebrity to get cut off and go to jail for not paying a bill was thwarted when a family member stepped in at the last minute and offered up her own credit card via the phone. The former athlete needs help, and this would have sent him to jail, but some in the family don’t want to be that extreme.

Johnny Manziel


  1. sandybrook1:47 AM

    He's probably like this because he's been pampered and getting his way his entire life, from being a rich little kid to high school and college football star. He needs somebody to put him in his place.

  2. GoTrollUrSelf1:50 AM

    Or become president

  3. Marianne2:27 AM

    I say toss his privileged ass in the can. He's a little cocky sob...

  4. He's always been a spoiled brat who's parents bail him out of everything. They are as much to blame as he is.

  5. Hot Cola6:26 AM

    Money helps escape consequences

  6. Call me crazy but I couldn't let my brother go to jail over an unpaid bill - even if he was a total screw up like Manziel. Probably wouldn't for a more serious crime but honestly - an unpaid bill?

  7. Yazmean9:31 PM

    I have a brother with substance abuse issues who was recently arrested for his 2nd DWI, amongst other offenses. Long story short, from experience, I'd rather my brother go to jail over something like an unpaid bill, than for killing a family because he's coddled and refused the help that he desperately needs by our parents.
    Addiction destroys whole families.

  8. John Paterson4:41 AM

    The theft in question is probably a restaurant bill.
