Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 10, 2016

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort really has no further down the ladder she can go to debase herself for money. She literally will do it all but the people that pay celebrities for that kind of thing want someone younger, more famous and more dependable. As a result, she gets paid a fraction what other celebrities get paid and she is required to do way more.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. I was going to say something really mean, but I changed my mind!

  2. Then why bother mentioning it?

  3. Junes Better Looking Younger Sister3:47 AM

    I'll say it!

    That's what happens to drug-abusing whores when they get older

  4. austin3:47 AM

    I hear you david. It's such a sad situation, why add anything to it.

  5. I don't see how people can laugh at her anymore. Yes, she seems ungrateful for the billion second chances she's received but look at who her parents are and god knows what she was subjected to as a kid.

  6. This is incredibly sad. I shudder to think what "literally will do it all" entails. No wonder she's wasted all the time; probably the only way she can escape her awful memories and what's to come

  7. Raine6:31 AM

    I think she's terrifying. Here's something really tame: I see some of the lawsuits she brings, for example, and I know they're strike suits -- suits brought purely because she knows it will cost whoever she has targeted far less to just give her some money to go away than to actually go to court. And yet, some do actually go to court and win, because they're such bullshit suits. But I absolutely fucking guarantee you she's basically extorting people and businesses left and right -- you don't see the 100 or 1000 suits she has brought and people have settled (for $10K, $50K, whatever).

    Like I said, that's an example of the tame shit you can see she's doing right now to other people. Tame tame tame. She's actually terrifying when you go deeper.

  8. Sheepie6:48 AM

    I doubt she will read this, but seriously Lindsay, go to Tech and get a job and be normal, and get away from this poisonous lifestyle!!!
    Be healthy

  9. Gator girl8:14 AM

    Melissa, I couldn't agree more. How many hundred stories do we have to read of her accidentally taking a fur coat or mistakenly leaving on jewelry or a friend accusing her of being there when a Rolex goes missing? She's the definition of grifter, we've been saying it here for years. We felt bad through the fire crotch episode because we wanted to hate Paris more, but come on, you nasty Apricot Ashtray, most of us are hard working honest folks who are disgusted that you squander each chance ever given and blame it on wearing the black guy's coke pants, you're too old for that shit. At some point we can only hope one of her friends will stop letting her squat on their boat or mansion our hotel for free and she has to admit she's not the rich fabulous actress she thinks, she's a has been who still sticks her filthy rotted fingers in her mouth every time her picture is taken. Just go away.

  10. The way you comment about someone you only know through gossip websites is pretty fucking foul, too.

  11. I ate my own head10:47 PM

    I agree, it's not sad at all. She had every opportunity in the world and threw it all away because she's a degenerate lazy sociopath. Feel sorry for starving children and homeless people not sociopathic losers.

  12. I ate my own head10:50 PM

    It's amazing to me how many people can't recognize a sociopath. Stealing, breaking the law, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, failure to take responsibility for anything ect. Even Oprah recognized what she is and gave up. If I hear one more idiot say they feel sorry for her or try to excuse her behave by labeling her "bipolar" I am going to scream. Get a clue people!

  13. Laura Palmer12:10 AM

    she is truly a sociopath, but maybe lower spectrum, more like a perpetual juvenile delinquent.her petty thefts are just felonies in her case because she is surrounded by luxury. Yes she is bad girl and probably has a variety of personality disorders.

    In her case she could still outgrow this, she is an alcoholic and probably developmentally stunted at the age of 13. I hope she is intelligent enough to reel herself in, deal with the consequences and write that tell all.

  14. I ate my own head6:16 AM

    Laura, sociopaths can't be fixed. Look at her dad. Same M.O. always in trouble with the law and ripping people off.

  15. LucidDreams10:35 AM

    Bingo, OB. This was a terrifying thought of my future so I got sober before it became a reality.
    She is so lost in her addiction. I would also have to be out of my mind high to do the things she does.
    She's gonna OD

  16. b-fabulous12:09 AM

    But how do you really feel?

  17. I do not feel sorry for Lindsay either hello OPRAH PAID Lindsay for a reality show a few years back. Oprah and Lindsay are pals still it seems. When Lindsay went to London to do a play at the West end the speed and the plow Oprah actually went to support her. So if Lindsay desperately needed cash I am sure Oprah would give it to her. So why prostitute herself. Also, Lindsay can STILL having an acting career she is only 30! Girl needs to get her stuff together ASAP!
