Saturday, December 31, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 22, 2016

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor is drinking himself to death faster than an illness can kill him. The old actor has gone back to his partying ways of 30-40 years ago.

Jack Nicholson


  1. French girl2:26 AM

    He is 80 ! Let's live him his life!

  2. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Exactly Jack has used up all his fu*ks to give (if he even had any at all at anytime)

  3. You would have thought he would have given up the drink after trying to kill his wife and kid in that hotel documentary.

  4. whisperella4:16 AM

    LMAO! That was funny.

  5. Jack surely you can get your hands on nicer intoxicants than alcohol!?

  6. Inquiring minds...5:14 AM

    Yeah... but is HM queen Elizabeth dead?

  7. Mr. X6:49 AM

    Does he have an illness?

  8. sandybrook7:06 AM

    Is tomorrow reveal day? Or will he wait til Monday? Both are holidays. Tbh I'm not sure what hasn't been revealed already, but it's a tradition.

  9. Ya know what Jack?
    Why not?
    Go for it!

  10. Happy New Year. A the blinds you had about Pam Anderson visiting Julian Assange aka wikileaks. Julian is not present at the moment im afraid he is dead. No wikileaks anymore to be trusted . Aka CIA now.

  11. No Pam Anderson in . Julian is dead since some time :(

  12. Bubbles Cash11:20 PM

    Interesting, WOW. Anyhoo, let's hope that the New Year's reviews have no Teen Moms, Real Housewives, any reality "star", athletes, Disney stars, tweeners, models, Zac Efron, Micsha Barton, Selena Gomez, Justin beaver, any boy bander, as the reveal.
