Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Today's Blind Items - The Payoff

Short and sweet, but super juicy. This foreign born permanent A lister spread a ton of cash around and bought a family member a pretty big nomination. I say a ton of cash, but I guess in the scheme of things and what the nomination could mean, it might not seem like it. There were ten stacks of $50K given to ten people who then passed around enough to get the votes and kept the rest for themselves.


  1. sandybrook2:12 AM

    Phil and lily Collins?

  2. sandybrook2:13 AM

    For her mom for a Golden Globe

  3. sandybrook2:18 AM

    *sigh* nom

  4. longtimereader2:22 AM

    Her entire career is based upon daddy's cash so...

  5. RenShaw2:25 AM

    Makes me hate these awards even more.

  6. Yup, Phil & Lily

  7. GoTrollUrSelf2:59 AM

    Some of this cash-for-noms stuff might be part of the reason I'm so fed up with this endless stream of BS "awards" show red carpet photo parades. It's such blatant self-esteem wankery.

  8. Has to be Lily Collins and daddy Phil Collins.
    She needs to get a beard again to last through awards season.
    Zac Efron for a third time, he is busy filming and they wouldn't have to see each all that much.

  9. marcopolo4:30 AM

    definitely the random lily collins nomination GG for the warren beatty movie rules dont apply. such a transparent buy, her nod was so random

  10. Cherry4:57 AM

    Guess that's why Phil and Genesis are having a reunion tour.

  11. nancer5:03 AM

    they should abolish this shit. it's just a night for them to wear clothes and jewelry that cost more than most people make in years, get their pictures taken and pat themselves on the back. sick.

  12. have no any idea about her acting, is she really that bad & got a gg nomination?

  13. Cupcake7:30 AM

    One percent world problem. Wait for the coming acting jobs to see if she has any talent.

  14. you seem to have the answer for everything it seems? so interesting.

    btw im not being rude to you. so dont come snapping back at me.

  15. She does, somewhat. She could use a class or two, though.

  16. Thomas8:21 AM

    Anna you seem to know many things about Zac and lot of the time you are correct but I think you are wrong here when it comes to Zac dating Lily for a third time. I'm not trying to argue I just notice you always comment about Zac. If you don't mind me asking where do you get your info.?

  17. S.D.AUNTIE12:58 PM

    Lauren is Zac. Just saying

  18. Dizzy3:15 PM

    TBH I wouldn't mind the self esteem circle jerk that are calld award shows. i dont care that its rigged. i dont care that its nepotistic. I dont care that its political.
    I honestly dont think many people care who won or what show/film got the most awards.
    The awards stopped being interesting when they instituted the delayed broadcast and started censoring it. No more nip slips, wardrobe malfunctions, uncensored swears etc
    Its pretty people being pretty boring.
    Bring back the see thru gowns and accidental boob pop outs and be amazed at the soar in ratings.

  19. Sadie3:30 PM

    Aaron Whatever-HisNameis husband of 50 shades. He inexplicably got a GG nom.

  20. @ sd auntie um i'm not zac? my name is lauren? how the fuck can i be zac??

  21. NYCStudent10:13 PM

    @Nancer You nailed it! Thank you.

  22. Don't rise to it. People here love to rag on Zac and anyone who defends him, which is why they're still bringing up CubsFan even though he / she hasn't commented on anything in ages.

  23. Black Hearted8:54 AM

    Does anyone care about the awards after learning how f*****d up they are? Hollywood is a joke In general and once you learn the ins and outs, is anyone shocked that someone's daddy is laying down cash? I'd love it if this was exposed but then, I have a black heart, so....

  24. This is so sad and weird. Don't you have shit to do?
