Friday, January 27, 2017

Blind Item #10

Strangest story of the month. This permanent A list singer won't eat ice cream. She thinks it is fattening. Sure, she will drink four bottles of wine a day, but when it comes to ice cream she won't eat it. With one exception. She likes being tied to a chair and forced to eat it. She will do this for hours at a time several times per week. It is a crazy story, but with her, you say to yourself, yeah, i can see that.


  1. Eucryptic3:04 AM


  2. sandybrook3:05 AM

    The wine part eliminates this as a BI.

  3. Apparently, she is unaware that a serving size (4 oz) of Ice Cream is +/-140 calories; and a serving size (5 oz) of wine is +/-125 calories.
    So, there is not much difference. Well, she does likes the taste of wine better.

  4. AyyyPapi3:22 AM

    "This permanent A list singer won’t eat ice cream."

    "She likes being tied to a chair and forced to eat it. She will do this for hours at a time several times per week." she does eat ice cream..

  5. sandybrook3:24 AM

    Ha good point!

  6. AndrewBW3:26 AM

    A torture I would gladly undergo.

  7. SmellyBum3:29 AM


  8. Laurel3:42 AM

    Comment of the day, right here.

  9. Hothotheat4:24 AM

    Unless it's Wine flavored ice cream :)

  10. Bodacious Ta-tas4:25 AM

    This woman is such a moron!

    Alcohol may not contain fat, but for every drink you consume, you body processes that as 10 grams of fat. That adds up quickly if you're guzzling it down the way she is!

  11. Guesser4:39 AM

    Methinks Enty is exaggerating. Several times a week, hours at a time,ok..

  12. AyyyPapi5:20 AM


  13. Mazoo6:58 AM

    4 bottles of wine a day? She won't last long if that's true.

  14. Jennifer7:56 AM

    Mooriah is such a weirdo. And what's up with her sister's stories about Satanic abuses when they were kids? National Enquirer is anyone is interested.

  15. Hortensia10:47 AM

    Do not believe anything in the National Enquirer. It is a front for Trump and that really dirty looking guy who is his spokesperson. The NE makes up everything. However, I used to like Tony the Psychic. Is he still in the NE?

  16. Bobbi Newhart11:44 AM

    "This permanent A list singer won’t eat ice cream. She thinks it is fattening."

    BREAKING NEWS: A list singer is correct about ice cream.

  17. Hot Cola12:11 PM

    Well she's right. It is fattening. THAT WAY

  18. Hot Cola12:13 PM

    Satanit abuse has been know to occure.

  19. Jennifer12:54 AM

    It's not all lies, remember they busted Bill Clinton and John Edwards cheating. I read it online so I don't know about Tony.....I'll have to check next time I'm at the Supermarket.

  20. Boredtechindenver5:44 AM

    So, everyone missed the main point. She likes to be tied up. I am thinking. a gallon of Rocky Road, some chocolate syrup, maraschino cherries and whipped cream, and a nekked Mimi would make a hell of a sundae.
