Friday, January 27, 2017

Blind Item #12

Lyme Disease for celebrities is the new way to pop pills and get away with ever increasing bizarre behavior. Oh, and if things go bad, you can go to some center in the middle of nowhere to get treatment (rehab). This former child actress turned bazillionaire has caught on to the game.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM

    Mary Kate Olsen

  2. GoTrollUrSelf3:46 AM

    an Olson?

  3. Tricia133:47 AM

    Yep-think it's Ashley Olsen though-doesn't say married

  4. GoTrollUrSelf3:48 AM

    MiserAlba is the other bazillionaire

  5. Tricia133:49 AM
    Says it's Ashley from
    march last year I think

  6. AMartel4:43 AM

    Can we say that when an excuse is so played out it's already been the topic of an (as usual, overlong) continuing theme on a Real Housewives franchise ... it's officially OVER?
    There needs to be a description for people who are using a blatantly phony excuse to cover for their bad conduct. It's like they want us to notice them being bad. Maybe "vice signalling" (the opposite of "virtue signalling" but with the same attention-seeking goal).

  7. My back is itchy.

    I may have Lyme Disease?

    I should look it up.

  8. Nope!
    I just have dry skin.

  9. what's sad is there are real celebs with real cases of it (ie Debbie Gibson) who get lumped in and shouldn't.

  10. TopperMadison10:59 PM

    Am I the only one who is shocked that those two are only 29 years old?? They've been around so long, it seems they should be at least 40 already.

  11. It's also sad for the people who are fighting to have the disease recognised at all here in Australia. Whatever the truth on whether Lyme disease exists in Australia, it's appalling the way they've been treated by the medical profession. They don't need to put up with fake cases like this as well.

  12. Airhead11:54 PM

    I just about spit my green tea everywhere when I read they are only 29.... could have sworn they were closer to 40 too haha

  13. Unemployable1:55 AM

    Agreed AMartel. I believe the term you're looking for is "Avril-ing."
