Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blind Item #1

Want to know how poor this RHNJ family is? They got sponsors to pay for the gifts they gave their niece for a birthday party.


  1. Melissa Gorga

  2. sandybrook10:32 PM


  3. sandybrook10:33 PM

    Soapy's answer is good too, most of the families on that show probably qualify.

  4. Gia just had her 16th birthday. This has to be Joe and Melissa Gorga. Does he not do contracting anymore?

  5. S.D.AUNTIE10:52 PM

    Joe is in prison right know and will hopefully be deported. Trump will probably give him a pass. Cant stand that show.

  6. And-so-on..11:13 PM

    KrapoKardashians do that too.. Hah! Sponsors pay they somehow count that as a deduction too.. BECAUSE THEY SHOWED UP OR MENTIONED THEM.. GAG ME

  7. Barbara RiceHand11:31 PM

    How awful maybe they shouldn't feel the need to still look so rich by throwing lavish parties. And it will be embarrassing for the child if she finds out.

  8. Blind said niece, not daughter...
    "...they gave their niece for a birthday party..." and Gia just had her 16th bday party recently, therefore, it's the Gorgas.

  9. Hot Cola5:04 AM

    Where do they hire these looseres and how can I applay? Because I'll be 'fake rich' for a paycheck on tv.

  10. Wendy5:46 AM

    Yeah it's the Gorga's, Melissa's store was just closed "temporarily" as well.

  11. Dcgal8:42 AM

    Oh little snowflake sore loser sd auntie there you go attacking our President! Get over it hon

  12. S.D.AUNTIE9:01 AM

    Naah. Just the mafia,wanna be is. Crooks stick together. Russisn hookers for all!! Enjoy

  13. Hey troll! Just because you are ok with lowering the bar and normalizing openly racist sexist language of the clown who happens to occupy the oval doesn't mean everyone has your low, hateful standards. It's NOT ok and it's not the same as attacking a President over "policy" differences or calling him a "monkey" because of his skin color. We can accept reality - but some of us are ok with using our 1st amendment right to speak on our anger. Get over it, hon..
