Thursday, January 05, 2017

Blind Item #1

If the wife of this former A+ list mostly movie actor turned A lister is pregnant, it definitely is not his baby. Well, not from sex anyway.


  1. Tricia1310:40 PM

    Amal Clooney?

  2. Lurky McLurkster10:54 PM

    OT: Did anybody see the BI below on AGC? Quite strange.

    31. POPBITCH 01/05
    Which beloved sci-fi actress has a rather odd daily routine which involves manually wanking off her dog to stop it from becoming too aggressive – seven days a week?

  3. Sunny110910:59 PM

    Lurky, I saw that and I hope it's not who I think it is:(

  4. Guesser11:06 PM

    Tricia13 is right, but how many times does Entry have to have it explained to him that gay men can father children the old fashioned way? Also many couple that have sex have to become pregnant by IVF. Did you skip this class?

  5. Hilarious11:08 PM

    Amal Clooney. The closet will be air tight for Georgie Porgie now because he wants to go into politics.

  6. Guesser11:08 PM

    @Lurky , was that blind just written or from a while ago? I'm sure you know what I mean.

  7. My wife's business partner is a gay man, was married (she died of swine flu 7 years ago), and they/he has two children.

  8. @Lurky maybe that's why Gary looks so sad in the pics of him at the service!

    I know I shouldn't have, but it's too hard to let it go by

  9. Tricia1311:15 PM

    Think Enty missed that class too lol.Has there been an announcement formally @Guesser?

  10. Guesser11:28 PM

    @Don't think so,@ Tricia13, I think Amal gained an ounce over the holidays and people are talking. It's long been rumored that George had a vasectomy because he had a pregnant girlfriend who he asked to have an abortion, and he did not want to be in that situation again.

  11. texasrose11:58 PM

    @lucky - who was the popular guess?

  12. Gillian Anderson?

  13. Possible but remember vasectomy's can be reversed.

  14. sandybrook12:49 AM

    Is George supposed to have a vasectomy because he didn't want kids?

  15. sandybrook12:50 AM

    N\m I see you answered farther down

  16. Lurky McLurkster12:57 AM

    AGC didn't list a guess but I don't think it could be Carrie since it says "has" instead of "had"

  17. ms_wonderland1:20 AM

    The Popbitch blind was published yesterday 5 January. It's a British site, so it could be many people e.g. Doctor Who actresses. I think it's supposed to be Carrie and Gary though.

  18. Guesser2:15 AM

    I think The PopBitch blind was supposed to make us think of Carrie, but is probably an science British TV actress.

  19. Blind Gossip ran an item ages ago that GC was going to harvest and how painful it was for him, unlike going for a full term pregnancy.
    Here it is:

    My take - how much panic is he in that HRC didn't win - no official government appointment. Now he is trying to reestablish the acting and directing, he bought himself a People's Choice nomination. Still can't see the stamina for political run.

  20. anonymous12:06 PM

    Except Amal Clooney was male at birth.

  21. No, pretty sure she's just ugly.

  22. Anonymous5:00 PM

    WTF are you talking about?

  23. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Male at birth, WTF?

  24. marlo8:52 PM

    Who the phack would procreate willingly with that camel-faced terrorist supporting nobody, who has never won a case, and is in fact, the laughing stock of all SERIOUS 'human right's lawyers', who don't prance around in new $20,000 outfits, every other day?
    Here in London she's a joke.
