Thursday, January 12, 2017

Blind Item #2

Yes, the rumors are true. Sort of. This foreign born dual threat A list actor is being replaced as his superhero character by his body double but only for a cameo in another superhero movie. However, it may foretell the way of the future because his body double could be his twin appearance wise.


  1. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Tom Hiddleston

  2. Englishrose11:12 PM

    Cumberbatch? He's rumored to have a cameo in Thor: Ragnarok as Doctor Strange.

  3. macaroniandcheese11:23 PM

    Cumberbatch. I saw one of those "Wow! You'll never believe!" clickbait articles on Facebook about how Cumberbatch's double could be his actual twin.

  4. Lurky McLurkster11:32 PM

  5. GoTrollUrSelf11:39 PM

    It's in the DM. Cumberbatch's body double will play his role in long shots and close ups will be shot later.

  6. Shorny11:42 PM

    There's an actor on the show The Fall who looks remarkably like Benedict, Colin Morgan.

  7. For some reason, I was about to guess Paul Bettany.

  8. RenShaw1:24 AM

    I think Hollywood has found it's money saving scheme and actors have a new thing to worry about. Carrie Fisher will appear as Princess Leia forever apparently and live actors are now worried about how their likeness being used in the future.

  9. Norma2:18 AM

    Wow! Cumberbatche's body double is way cuter than he is..

  10. longtimereader2:18 AM

    As long as their agents make sure they get paid, what's the problem? the cushing estate probably made millions for their ok.

  11. RenShaw6:02 AM

    The issue isn't limited to the estate getting paid. The concern is for current actors having no control in how their likeness will be used after they have passed on. Their legacy will be molded and further shaped by entities they don't know, i.e. greedy great grandchildren, and greedy execs making crap films and commercials, etc. That is a problem. I also believe the issue is one that will be addressed by that particular community soon enough thanks in part to what technology has created (use of holograms, etc).

  12. Wendy6:02 AM

    lol I don't think his body double looks like him at all.

  13. 'superhero characters' & body doubles r perfectly fine...

  14. Hot Cola8:43 AM

    Next phase: clones, holograms and robots. Oh, and dead people warmed over ( in a microwave).

  15. Scandi Sanskrit9:25 AM

    My God, the things that come out of that man's mouth dries up my pussy.

  16. Scandi Sanskrit9:27 AM

    People need to stop being so paranoid about technology. All the translators were paranoid about Google Translate, but then it just created a new kind job: Editing/polishing computer-generated translation to make it sound more 'human', I forget what the job title is but it sounds like fun.

  17. Scandi Sanskrit9:28 AM

    Who cares about his legacy? He'll be remembered as the man who white-washed Khan Noonien Singh anyway.

  18. Scandi Sanskrit9:33 AM

    It's a clever way for PR to make it look like their client is too busy for their work commitments too.

  19. Scandi Sanskrit9:54 AM

    I hope he's significantly more considerate as human being too.

  20. Fluff8:27 AM

    Um, is CDAN trying to imply there's any way in a million years a major movie studio would re-cast an A-lister in a marquee role with a total unknown who's not even a professional actor, simply because they happen to look alike??

    CDAN does realise the Prince and the Pauper wasn't real life, right?

    Using body doubles or stand-ins for this is standard, even on smaller indie films. I doubt there's a single big budget live-action studio film that hasn't done it.

  21. Jesus Fucking Christ, Mia/Maria, whatever the fuck your name is...get over it. Someone posed as Cumberbatch online and you fell for it; suck it up and move on instead of being a bitter cunt about it.
