Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blind Item #2

No amount of money is going to get this foreign born actor who has been in some of the biggest movies of all time to go back to this foreign television show. He just doesn't like who this foreign born dual threat A list actor has become.


  1. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Martin Freeman/Cumberbatch/\sherlock

  2. AppleTartin10:51 PM

    I hope it's Martin Freeman and Cumberbatch. That last "season" meh 3 episodes was a disgrace. Awful writing and the last episode was such a joke. They should of left it alone after the first 2 seasons they were brilliant.

  3. Justanothergossipgirl10:56 PM

    Watson and Sherlock aka Freeman and Cumberwhatever.

  4. Tricia1311:01 PM

    I never watched an episode but it certainly has a fan base!
    I do love MF though

  5. Shorny11:05 PM

    Huddleston/Brannagh Wallander

  6. Sherlock, and this is no blind. The fact that they hate each other isn't a secret. Add in the plummeting ratings and they won't even be asked.

  7. The Sun was the first.

  8. The show is on in the US on Sunday night on PBS. Now that Football is almost over, maybe I'll be able to watch when broadcast.

    Or, i will have to wait until it's on NetFlix.

  9. Hiddleston/Laurie

  10. Spectator12:46 AM

    I don't know about you guys, but season 3 was already the end of the legacy for me. Like in episode three the ending was Sherlock killing the villain...

    Don't even want to watch season 4. You can see the cumberbatch has changed ever since season 1 went mad around the world.

    Sherlock is sexy, but not in a season 4 way, more like socially awkward incredibally good looking genius kind of way.

  11. Ginger12:47 AM

    It's nonsense that Freeman and Cumberbatch hate each other. Are people blind or something?


  12. D.R.B1:20 AM

    Look, I've never heard that they hate each other... You're mistaken.

  13. Cherry1:49 AM

    I loved the 4th season. The last episode was brilliant.

  14. macaroniandcheese3:14 AM

    I don't buy this. I think the real thing disappointing Martin here was the writing. He wanted the show to be a certain kind of historic, something they'd still be talking about in 100 years and teaching in acting classes. There was one way to do that, a way he had been making character choices to lead to for some 7 years, and the writers didn't go there. I would never have guessed him to have cared this much, especially given his teasing and/or acerbic nature when talking about the more voiciferous fans of that particular direction, but his statements and expressions in talking about the outcome of the last run completely changed my mind.

    If he is mad at anyone, he's mad at Gatiss/Moffat. He seems perfectly fine with Cumberbatch these days.

  15. Riven3:22 AM

    I just don't understand how 3 episodes is a season. that's a mini series. with sequels.

  16. GoTrollUrSelf4:21 AM

    This is a great guess. Brannagh is a pill. He probably has his own subcategory of pretension.

  17. GoTrollUrSelf4:22 AM


  18. Thist7:34 AM

    Yawn. This was recycled from that bastion of truth, The Sun. The article indicates that the relationship between BC and MF is warm and completely professional on set but they are not BFFs and don't socialise off set. MF is a notorious curmudgeon and probably doesn't have much in common with BC. Any interviews with MF only contain positive sentiments about BC and pap shots on set often show them laughing together. As nice as it must be for shippers to presume they have sleepovers at each others homes and braid their hair and gossip, just not similar types. BC seems very social and outgoing and proper, MF seems more of a loner and risk taker. Reason no more Sherlock likely is that both now too much in demand in Hollywood and UK and can't schedule. British press have gone nuts last week with hate stories around Sherlock, this is simply a new angle. FWIW, I though The Final Problem was pants and a waste of their talents. Doubt they will work together again, but some kind of feud? Nope, nothing so exciting.

  19. Benny's Wool Coat3:03 PM

    People, aka, blind writers, need to be careful here - the only real 'evidence' Cumbers and Freeman 'hate each other' came pouring out of the openly anti-BBC newspaper, The British Daily Mail, as it wanted to endorse its own interests, by the way strongly aligned with ITV/Simon Cowbell. Its been spouting anti Sherlock rhetoric all week. Everyone knows its a kiss arse rag. Freeman and Cumbers seemed close during The Hobbit, work together fine and will know each others faults. Just bcs they are not hanging out like schoolchums every minute the UK press does a number on them. Typical crap journalism.

  20. This isn't Freeman and Cumberbatch. They live about five minutes from each other. Anyone who was around the set knows Freeman spent more time talking to Cumberbatch than anyone.

    Also, the finale wasn't the real finale. There is another episode. And it leads to a 5th season, which they're all on board for.

  21. Fake. They've never been close friends but they get on perfectly well. This all comes from warring fans. There's one small contingent of "Johnlock" shippers who project their feelings for the characters onto the actors, and of course the infamous stans who devote their entire lives 24/7 to obsessively hating Cumberbatch's wife. This could have come from any of them shippers angry that they're not BFFs, or obsessed stans determined to bring him down for daring to get married.

    Fans don't seem able to recognise that acting is just a job and that most actors have perfectly civil professional relationships with each other.
