Thursday, January 19, 2017

Blind Item #2

It's her own fault really. This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee brings out the kids stories and then gets testy when she is asked questions off script about the kids. She has surface answers, but when someone asks a followup like the other day she loses it because her web of lies starts to unravel.


  1. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Nicole Kidman?

  2. Spectator11:01 PM

    Whoever it is, bless the kids.

  3. Nicole Kidman

  4. Handsome Bulldog11:14 PM

    Julia Roberts?

  5. SandyC11:42 PM

    Agreed. I can't help but believe that everything Nicole does is a lie! Starting with Tommy boy, and now Keith.

  6. Guesser12:29 AM

    I t she got testy be ause they started asking her about Keith's addictions. I thought there were rumors about him using again, so she maybe thought they were leading questions.

  7. Laura Ramona1:53 AM

    I don t think nicole cold hands ever has a clue what are the kids doing

  8. It's Nicole.

    The interviewer started asking pointed questions about the relationship with her ex-kids (with Tom) and Keith's addictions that were none of her business. Very unpleasant.

  9. Alistdiva3:39 AM

    Would of thought it was Halle "I hate the paps, but call them to set up shots for attention" Berry

  10. Squeege6:00 AM

    How so? She's spoken about her children and Keith's addictions many times in the past few months. She says her adopted children were her motivation for the Lion film. Why is it ok for one interviewer to discuss it but not another?

  11. I would HAVE agreed, but Halle's a long way from A list these days.

  12. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)12:45 PM

    Nicole has to be very careful about what she says about her 2 older kids. If she criticizes CoS, they could get audited & punished.

  13. BeenHereBefore1:58 PM

    Angie Jo
