Sunday, January 22, 2017

Blind Item #3

I don't think anyone expected either of these two female A+ list singers to attend the Women's March and they didn't. Record sales are number one in their books. Our favorite rehab singer wasn't there either because, you know, using was way more important.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Taylor Swift/Beyoncé?
    Rihanna for 3rd

  2. GoTrollUrSelf11:03 PM

    Tay & Bey stans in heated debate on LSA

  3. GoTrollUrSelf11:05 PM

    Katy Perry DID march, though. Swifty getting dragged on twitter

  4. Just a crazy random thought here....perhaps there are some celebrities who did not feel a burning need to participate in the Women's March because they don't agree with the basic premise....which, near as I can tell, is not liking the results of the election.

  5. Englishrose11:10 PM

    Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. Pathetic excuses for feminists.

  6. GoTrollUrSelf11:20 PM

    I suspect that at least some of those who DID show up, waited to see what the social media reaction was before stepping outside.
    There are many issues involved, but I'm only talking about photo ops & twitter trends and people that use them.

  7. Guesser11:23 PM

    I didn't know there was a law that said you had to be there. Some people do have to be in other places, and it's lame that everyone is intimated to support things because of peer pressure. I'm sure a lot of people gave some insincere tweets in support out of fear. It works both ways.

  8. Tricia1311:26 PM

    What are they debating ?!

  9. mariaj11:28 PM

    The two A+ Listers are Beyoncè and Taylor ( a bit surprised in Taylor, not surprised at all for Beyoncè, maybe the " FIERCE" Beyoncè had to ask her husband if she could go )

    Don't think the third is Rihana, bc i don't think Rihanna has ever been in rehab?

    My gess for the third is Selena Gomez, just for the rehab thing

  10. AndrewBW11:28 PM

    @Guesser As a strong supporter of the marches, I agree. There's no law that says you have to go. If Taytay and BeyBey and SeSe don't want to go, that's their right.

  11. mariaj11:30 PM

    Btw, i agree about having any right to not go, if they didn't feel it.

  12. GoTrollUrSelf11:35 PM

    Which one is awful, which is the best feminist - the BeyHive

  13. ChrissyMingle11:39 PM

    Rhianna was in atendence in NY

  14. Long Island Girl11:40 PM

    Near as you can tell? What does that mean? Is it just a feeling you have? Your summation is wrong. You might want to research the issues behind the march before you submit your crazy, random thoughts.

  15. Long Island Girl11:44 PM

    Did you mean intimidated? If so, I don't think that was the case.

  16. Tricia1311:48 PM

    Gotcha thanks!
    What's next- who makes the best quiche lol dearie..

  17. Sheila11:52 PM

    The march isn't a new thing. It was a bigger deal this year because of people being unhappy about the election but it doesn't *exist* for that reason

    Also, I saw mentions of Taylor Swift actually being there

  18. These marched would have way more impact if these dopey celebs stayed home. Let real women up on those podiums to speak. Real liberals, not the limousine variety, most of whom aren't educated enough to understand the masses, let alone speak for them

  19. FedUpwithLibtards12:03 AM

    Pretty dismissive LI Girl...This was NOT an inclusive event for all women's groups. Why were the Pro-Life feminist groups disinvited? moron

  20. Laura Ramona12:14 AM

    They are ridiculous. The march yesterday was the epitome of ridunkulousness. Vagina power my bollocks! There s a woman in jail in Iran since 2015 . Britsh. Go march in front of the Iranian embassy you arsho**es

  21. Long Island Girl12:17 AM

    No one was 'disinvited'.
    a) they would have to been invited to be disinvited.
    b) you can be pro-life and still believe in equal rights for yourself and you fellow women.
    c) you don't have to be liberal to believe in feminism, which, by the way, is the belief that women should have equal rights with men. That simple.
    Hell, you don't even have to be a woman. Men, believe it or not, share these beliefs. You know, the educated who don't hate or fear women.
    Shall I go on, sweetness and spice?

  22. Megley12:19 AM

    Wow, Elise: how uninformed you are. The marches may have been spurred on by the election, but that was not the point. If you need it to be explained to you, as a woman, as I assume you are, then that is just sad. This is not meant to be disrespectful to you, but damn.

  23. Megley12:22 AM

    And Elise, you don't have to agree with the marches, and I ain't mad at ya if you don't. But you seem very dismissive of the women who did march, which was kind of the point: women are tired of being dismissed because they have vaginas and not dicks.

  24. Since they both publicly call themselves feminists it kind of stinks that they didn't attend. Swift is no fool regarding her original fan base which, if she truly is something other than het, makes her closet the more disappointing. On the upside, clearly neither of them were necessary.

  25. They were invited and then disinvited, and no you can't be a feminist and anti women's reproductive rights.

  26. actually the pro life group was disinvited when thr group who organized the event ended their partnership and inclusion of the pro life group on thr march website BECAUSE those like you and everyone who disagreed with pro life harassed the march organizers until they broke the partnership TWO days before the event. Pretty much nullified the ALL women point of the event. it was all over social media.

  27. McSchmid12:50 AM

    Negatory, LI Girl. New Wave Feminists were disinvited.

    Not cool.

  28. All I know is that the tentacles of George Soros was behind that march.

  29. Don the Con12:51 AM

    Elise= Marlo. Hi Marlo!

  30. Maybe Taylor and Beyonce didn't want to get mixed up with all the riff-raff that was on the streets Saturday.

  31. Megley, you have a lot of nerve telling someone they are uninformed. How do you know what someone's information is? Perhaps you are the one uninformed.

  32. Nawwww1:01 AM

    Im going to say Taylor Swift, Beyoncé and Selena Gomez. I think the thing is, these are 3 women that bang on about being feminists and they all have big platforms and they didn't use that in any sort of way. And given the fact that Selena said after the BLM tweet shouldn't they be speaking up about something more important..... girl this is important!! She has the most instagram followers and she couldn't be bothered!! She could of atleast shown her support through social media. Taylor is the same for staying quiet about things shes supposed to support and the same for Beyoncé. Fake feminists, two of which don't actually seem to know what it is in the first place!!

  33. Because those "pro-life" groups have done everything in their power to put the women's equality movement as far back into history as they can shove it... and speaking of shoving it...

  34. FedUpwithLibtards1:30 AM

    LI Girl can you read? Being from LI you have big hair and long nails but can you read?

  35. Jennifer1:39 AM

    That feminist march was so stupid. If you care so much about women's rights go protest Sharia Law. No one has the courage to do that though so they yell and scream about planned parenthood which Trump said he supports.

  36. Lalalady1:41 AM

    Selena Gomez was at sundance. I missed the March bc I was on a flight.

  37. Laura Ramona1:49 AM

    Jennifer + 1. You killed it here.

  38. Taylor tweeted about it and said something to the effect of being pro the March. Ppl on twitter are giving her shit for being fake since actions speak louder than words and ppl named other celebrities who actually went instead of just saying the supported it.

  39. "We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country." - taken from the Women's March mission statement. The march was about America and taking note of the people now in power and how they could affect changes that would negatively impact human rights. There are many countries that commit atrocities against women and entire religions, and that should not be ignored, but the march was focused on what is happening in America.

  40. cebii2:14 AM

    Tay and Bey probably should have gone - but the logistics and security would have been a nightmare if they had. And if they had, everyone would be complaining about how their security was problematic and they stole attention from the real issues.

  41. Honeychurch2:22 AM

    Awww, internalised misogyny is so cute.

  42. longtimereader2:23 AM

    Swift is from country, has a wealthy, conservative fanbase and is smart enough not to f*** with her money, hence the closeting as well. BTW as a music fan can i just say R.I.P to just about the greatest drummer ever who passed away today, Jaki Liebezeit. Respect. Any other Can fans here?

  43. #Facts2:45 AM

    Hypocrisy all round from Hollywood's champagne and Twitter feminists, with Katy Perry being the worst of the bunch considering she took her last tour to Dubai and raked in the $$$ in a country where women who are victims of rape are jailed for extra-marital sex. Then again one of the organizers of the Washington march is Linda Sarsour, who's all in favor of Sharia Law. The whole thing was a laughing stock.

    Funnily enough, some of those celebrities who attended the march were partly responsible for Trump winning. For months and months they drew media attention to Hillary's campaign, made out like Trump was hated then people believed the election would be a landslide for Clinton and a lot didn't bother to turn up to vote for her. I'd love to see just what percentage of people who took part in the marches actually didn't bother to vote on election day.

  44. Sandra M.3:14 AM

    If you've ever had the word 'feminist' yelled at you repeatedly by a man, if you've seen him be emboldened by Trump's win, that's what it's about. It's about standing up to the misogynists in our own lives who've been invigorated by Trump's campaign and saying 'yes I'm a feminist, and proud of it'.

  45. fedup3:38 AM

    I'm a black chick who lurks here more as a reader than a poster, but this march has me really pissed off. All I am seeing on social media are white women's selfies looking all f-g proud of themselves about this event. Someone needs to ask them where they were when black women were protesting for their people's lives for the last 4 years and before?? Again, notice how these marchers are out on the streets with their smiling yoga faces to prove how good and just they are that they got out there and did something, wearing their cute little pink beanies and vagina signs! Compare that with how black people get ready for our protests. When we prepare, it's to protect from pepper spray, rubber bullets and beatings. We go out there with the knowledge that we could be shot and/or die. This kind of dissonance is why Trump won this election! And the funniest thing of all is that these women who marched over the weekend fail to even see this.

  46. Barbara RiceHand3:45 AM


  47. Elise4:04 AM

    I appreciate your concern, but rest assured that I am well enough informed to know that nobody seems to be able to explain the need for this march. Trump is not exactly a pro-life warrior, so any pretense that abortion rights are in danger is laughable. We have had far more pro-life presidents (Reagan and G.W. Bush) who were unable to do much of anything to further that cause.

  48. Elise4:11 AM

    Where is this happening? I'm guessing I've been a woman longer than you have. I obtained a degree in what was then a very male-dominated field (electrical engineering) and work in a very male-dominated work place. I have not experienced what you describe. In fact, because I am a female, I have been given opportunities that were not provided to males. What you are describing does not match my life experience at all.

  49. Elise4:12 AM

    I'm not Marlo, but perhaps she will stop by and say hello.

  50. Elise4:17 AM

    What rights are being threatened? We have had presidents who were social conservatives and profoundly pro-life, yet they were unable to do much of anything with abortion law. By comparison, Donald Trump is hardly a fire-breathing right wing dragon. He spent much of his life as a Democrat and does not appear to be very socially conservative at all. His focus is on the economy, not social issues. There does not appear to be much of a purpose to this march other than to express discontent over the election results.....and maybe take selfies to post on Facebook.

  51. Elise4:23 AM

    What is so terrible about being called a feminist if that is what you consider yourself to be? I can think of far worse things that a misogynist could come up with.

  52. GoTrollUrSelf4:55 AM

    She wasn't. It's documented.
    I don't give a rat's ass, but people were all over her shit on twitter & insta. Easy to find.
    I only know this because LSA is chattering about it.

  53. GoTrollUrSelf4:56 AM

    Rihanna was there.

  54. I totally agree that Trump is most likely pretty socially liberal...he's obviously worked with women, homosexuals and people of color, and you can't tell me he hasn't paid for his fair share of abortions. But he has to walk the talk, and Mike Pence is very very conservative - anti-abortion as well as anti-LGBT, so that along with a GOP controlled House and Senate and an open spot on the Supreme Court open up the possibility of the pendulum swinging backwards.

  55. I don't blame you one bit. There are a lot of people who blindly join a movement or cause just because that's what the cool kids are doing on Instagram. Keep talking and educating because it does make a difference.

  56. GoTrollUrSelf5:13 AM

    I'm not saying anything about anyone's politics because I'm really really sick of thinking and hearing about it.
    I do think social media has given the general public the idea that they have a right to dictate a celebrity's actions or responses and that's completely batshit in my opinion.
    What gives anyone the right to tell any other person what they should or should not support and how they should or should not go about showing that support?
    I thought NOT TELLING OTHER PEOPLE WHAT TO DO was the whole point.
    Respect for ALL includes respect for those who disagree with you and those who don't choose to make a public display of their support.
    Blackmailing and bullying people - including celebrities - into doing something they're not on board with just makes you identical to what you're protesting. Repression.

  57. Or Mebbe5:14 AM

    Like the feminist "peaceful protesters "who set an ACTUAL peaceful Trump supporter's hair on fire just because she was there?
    What a debaucherous, dillusional, ironic (on accident) hypocritically laden, bunch of BS rhetoric. That March was more humorous than Madonna's attempt at a film career or Ashley Judds attempt at "spoken word/rap" Or her film career at this point for that matter.

  58. Or Mebbe5:18 AM

    +100000000000000009099 gotrollureself

  59. tay-tay & bey didn't find 50 female professional bodyguards (tay's squad is professional enough just for fame whoring), so..........

  60. LaurieD5:37 AM

    @gotrollurself +1 & well stated! (Random side note: Love your log-in name; when scrolling thru the comments, I always think about how clever it is & wish I had thought of it!). Cheers

  61. LaurieD5:51 AM

    @fedup - Thank you for adding another viewpoint to this comment thread. Yours is the first to actually make me step back and think hard about someone else's perspective on the Women's March. I can only imagine how infuriating and defeating it must have felt to see the differences between this march & all of the BLM protests/marches in these last few years. I am a supporter of both causes, but never really felt like I saw the world through rose-colored, white-privileged glasses. This is the first time a statement like yours made me second guess my self-proclaimed "I understand how you feel" world-view. I never would have thought of that (the dichotomy of seeing protestors - all marching for basic human rights - being treated so drastically different). I sincerely Thank you for opening my eyes & seeing things from your point of view today. By Just posting that one comment, you helped change at least one person today! I'd say that's a "win" :)

  62. LaurieD5:54 AM

    Am I the only one having problems "replying" to individual comments? They keep posting to the entire list of comments... anyone have a suggestion on this? Am I doing it wrong? Or is it just the messed up site/comment section?

  63. Elise6:04 AM

    Thank you for explaining your thoughts on this. I actually would like to see Roe vs. Wade reversed but don't think it will ever happen. Even if Trump appoints the most conservative justice ever to the open spot on the Supreme Court, he would be replacing another ultra conservative justice (Antonin Scalia), so that is basically status quo. Also, I think at some point both Reagan and Bush Jr. had Republican majorities in Congress but still couldn't do anything to change abortion law.

  64. Elise6:21 AM

    Seems to be working okay for me. (Now watch, this post will end up in some random spot and make a liar out of!) All I do is click on "Reply" below the post I am responding too. Of course, this site has been known to be temperamental, so having a messed up comment section would not be unusual.

  65. And of course Blind Gossip/Ace post a so-called blind that is the exact opposite of the reason why Taylor Swift was not there to attend. *sigh*

  66. GoTrollUrSelf6:27 AM

    I can only reply to individual comments on a desktop. On any other device, it just goes to the bottom of the comment section.

  67. LaurieD6:33 AM

    @GoTrollUrSelf & @Elise - Thanks! Sounds like my problem is that I'm not on a desktop. *sigh* oh well!

  68. Scott Kotesky6:35 AM

    Men be and a few others got it right .
    What the" libtards united of the world" or maybe only our country because they seem to neglect or not pay much attention to female abuse,repression,mutiliation etc in worlds outside the gates to their million dollar homes or leafy college quads, fail to acknowledge-still- is that your tired, double speak , double standard, sanctomonious, and as expressly demonstrated time and time again-IN tolerance is why you lost., and why you whine like brats in a sandbox whose castle fell. And why your cries are falling on deaf ears as there is an entire backlash and movement AWAY from your regurgitated, failed, posturing values and one toward - something else. ANYthing else. As you attempt to make your voices louder with your lunatic behavior,all you are achieving is diminishing any values(though most have always a been laughable, and out of touch)voters might have once respected,having people turn on the mute button when you open your sorry mouths ,or kicking you off planes.
    Pure and Simple.

  69. Scott Kotesky6:36 AM


  70. GoTrollUrSelf6:46 AM

    "Smiling yoga faces" is a great phrase. And you're right. Lots of self-congratulation on display - without fear of much of anything.
    No one was going to open fire on those crowds, no protesters were going to be thrown to the ground for waving a sign too close.
    No one was at risk for being "accidentally" shot to death while handcuffed in the back of a squad car because LE felt threatened.
    It just wasn't going to happen and everyone knew it - that's a huge, vast, stupendously jarring difference between Saturday and, say...Ferguson.
    One is literally about life & death - one is not.
    And you're right, again - the vast majority of people who marched wouldn't have any idea what living with that knowledge feels like. Worse - most have no interest in learning of or even acknowledging its existence.
    I hope someday you know what it feels like to expect nothing bad to happen. I've been hoping that since about 1968.

  71. stop reading my mind! w/ u, lol...

  72. Jennifer7:26 AM

    Black people protest to get something done. White people protest to look cool and feel morally superior. It's total narcissism and nothing more. If it actually had anything to do with women's rights then they would have protested in front of the Saudi Arabian embassy instead of trashing a Starbucks and setting Larry King's Limo on fire.

  73. RenShaw9:13 AM

    Wow, coming late to this party had to take care of the doggy today. Here we are 2017 on a disappointing debate on what are the right attributes for woman / feminist to quality. I saw that march and to summarize, it was a batshit crazy display and I couldn't identify with those people. As a feminist I refuse to be put in some mindless box by "feminists" who have no idea what feminism is. But it's tiresome watching the tremendously ignorant Beyonce et al dictate the terms from their fine perch.

  74. Plus their incredible wealth will cushion them perfectly against any of the Trump admin's attacks against Women/ LGBTI community!

  75. Erm I dunno which matches y'all went to but in NYC the diversity was striking. The reasons for ppl marching as expressed in their signs were super diverse- beyond women's rights, I personally saw signs for LGBTQ rights, BLM, anti-islamaphobia, climate change, health care,education and the arts to name a few. The diversity of ethnicity was amazing. So while the press pics might depict yoga faces (that's funny for real though) and I agree some of the celeb supporters didn't exactly help... I feel like if you were there you would know that the protesters were there for a variety of peaceful reasons and that this protest is now evolving into a movement that will encompass way more than just "women's rights" (aka fundamental human rights for approx 1/2 the population).

    Why don't we protest Sharia law? Because last I checked it's not the law in the US as yet.

    @Elise ugh stop. If you're as smart as you purport to be you know the SCOTUS issue is not about replacing Scalia. It's about the fact that Justices Kennedy, Breyer and Ginsburg are all over 75 years old and in some cases not in great health so it's likely our current president will actually have a significant impact on the court for some time, with possibly 3 appointments realistically. I'm guessing they don't teach Con Law at electrical engineering school? Maybe stop bragging and stick to what you know, I could just as easily recite my credentials in a highly male dominated field but am secure enough to not need to. And if you are against abortion... maybe just don't have one? I feel our electricity would keep working just fine although the world generally might be worse off from your reproduction.

    That said it's Taylor/Bey/Gomez.

  76. syvyn1111:44 AM

    At least Bey and Tay are smart enough not to walk through that minefield. Remember, conservatives by CDs too.

  77. I mean bellowing it out at the top of his lungs, over and over. You're a feminist, you're a feminist, you are, you're just a feminist. Intended as an insult, which I refuse to accept it as. And that's just one example.

    As I say, this is about responding to the misogynists in our own lives who have been energised by Trump's victory.

  78. parkdove2:31 PM

    I thought Madonna and Ashley Judd sounded like lunatics. I did see one woman interviewed who looked like Michael (ripped up a copy of the Washington Post) Moore in drag.

  79. Jess Sayin'3:42 AM

    Taylor, as before the election, had way too much sense to tie herself to the attention-seeking pseudo-feminists who supported the ultra-right-wing war criminal Clinton just because she has a vagina. (Allegedly.) While the vacuous likes of Katy Perry and GaGa were going gaga over the GoldmanSachs Goldwater Girl, and while Bruce Springsteen was throwing away his credibility by hopping into bed with a candidate backed by the likes of Romney and Bush (the people "The Boss" used to oppose!), authentic leftist artists like Dylan, Dave Grohl and Liz Phair had the sense to avoid the sellout, and Taylor just kept her own counsel, as is her right.

    (Allegedly she did vote for HRC, even though her dad is a Republican. But she did it in Tennessee, so it's not like it mattered, anyhow.)

    Now she continues to be wise enough to avoid this manipulated whine-fest, with "protestors" embarrassing themselves given that it was Day 2 of Trump's presidency and he hadn't even found the bathroom at the White House yet, much less done anything worth protesting. For those who accuse Trump of narcissism, this was a true case of "they who smelt it, dealt it". Check your egos at the Mall, people.

    And Selena actually showed sense last year, when some SJW twits were trying to "drag" her for not support-Tweeting about the Issue of the Minute. She correctly pointed out that celebrity Virtue-Tweeting does almost nothing to actually change things, and that there's a lot more going in the world than just any one "issue", anyhow. Just because she's a cokehead doesn't make her an airhead. Good for her.

    I have no idea what's up with Beyoncé, since she was a willing Clinton prop before the election. Maybe she didn't want to be associated with a loser? Or perhaps, now that the "donations" from countries that repress women and kill gays have dried up and the Clinton "Foundation" has had to close, they can't afford whatever fee Jay-Z charged for Bey's appearances on the campaign trail?

  80. Jess Sayin'3:49 AM

    And the threat is actually at the state level, with the ridiculous T.R.A.P. (Targeted Restriction of Abortion Providers) laws being passed, making vulnerable women submit to propaganda and attend a "funeral" for their fetus just to be able to make a personal medical decision for themselves. There's no federal issue at stake.

    It would be great to have women show up for a specifically pro-rights March, to counter the "pro-life" garbage aimed at taking away those rights, but by making it a "TRUMP IS TEH EVOL!!!!" whine-fest, that issue got kicked into the long grass, but good. Again, bravo to Taylor for only tweeting about female solidarity and not getting politicized.

  81. Jess Sayin'3:53 AM

    Reagan only ever had the Senate, but the House certainly rolled over for him on many issues (the tax cut, for example), so it's not as if his supporters didn't have hopes.

    GWBush started with a double-majority, but lost the Senate when Jim Jeffords went independent in mid-'01. Still, the larger point holds.

  82. marlo3:58 AM

    These marches were bait for useful idiots. They achieved nothing but amusement, ridicule and laughter from people with IQ' s higher than room temperature.

  83. Jess Sayin'3:58 AM

    Kennedy is a Republican appointee who usually votes with the conservative block. To put on sackcloth over his possible replacement is almost as silly as wailing about the Scalia seat.

    As for Ginsburg and Breyer, if they wanted to protect their seats from the Republicans, then they should have resigned in 2014 or so and let Obama fill the spots. If *they themselves* are willing to risk being replaced by someone to their right, I refuse to work myself into a frenzy over it. But JMO.

    ("Why don’t we protest Sharia law? Because last I checked it’s not the law in the US as yet." So the women around the world who ARE repressed by it, the women who live in countries we gladly funnel arms to, they don't count, is that what you're saying? Oookay, then.)

  84. @jess sayin' if you knew your shit you would know Kennedy while being a "conservative" nominee has historically been the swing vote on the court-- in fact briefs are often written explicitly to him, this is fact-- most significantly planned parenthood v. Casey which was the last precedent decision to uphold roe v wade. Or, the recent decision granting marriage equality on a federal basis. He counts a great deal and if you knew anything you would probably know that so sit down honey. Before there was Kennedy there was a dude Justice Powell who maintained the same function. Again anyone who knows anything about this would know this so I assume I know my audience is not sophisticated.

    Who didn't Ginsberg and Breyer retire-- maybe they like their jobs? Maybe they don't have ESP? Apologies they're just ppl who like the rest of the majority of the US would have never expected to be in the situation we are in now. What assholes.

    On protesting sharia law- it's terrible it's the law anywhere, and it's terrible that US policy effects it, but again, it is not threatening to be the law of the land here. It is not as immediate a threat as actual musings or ramblings or psychotic statements as the person who is running our country to me, my friends, our kids, etc. if I lived in Saudi Arabia I would have a different response. But defending the few gender equality advancements we have made in this country doesn't mean I support Sharia law or agree with it, it's just not my number 1 concern.

    Anyway thanks to you and Tricia for reminding me how awful and ignorant people are and how funny it is they find themselves so smart and informed. Don't get killed by a tornado and don't be mad when those of us who are a bit more in touch w reality call you out on your ignorance. I don't care if ppl disagree w me but I do care when they don't even know the facts they're vehemently defending. When we find ourselves in WW3 bc of a lunatic moron who is more concerned about audience size than public policy I hope y'all are on the front lines! (But I know ppl like you are all talk and never would be)

  85. Hey you idiot... read my dissent if you know what that means, in the meantime I eagerly await your clearly informed upcoming SCOTUS amicus brief! Bc you clearly know your shit. So impressed!
