Monday, January 02, 2017

Blind Item #5

The mother of this southeast reality star is trying to be just as famous as her offspring. One thing that is probably going to stand in her way is being so homophobic and not shy about expressing her views either. Honestly. her reality star offspring's views are not that much different, but she knows to stay quiet.


  1. Tricia1311:59 PM

    Porsha Williams?

  2. Sceptre12:17 AM

    Mama Joyce? Encountered her once at Phipps Plaza. I always wondered if she always walked around with that scowl on her face and sure enough she does.

  3. Salaam12:46 AM

    Absolutely, Mama Joyce - I'm suprrised Bravo/Andy is allowing so much time to be devoted to her on RHOA. I am kind of troubled at how homophobic the entire show seems to have become over the past two seasons, first with all the talk about KJim Field's husband, and this season with the storyline about Kandi.

  4. Shorny1:06 AM

    I can't believe this is Mama Joyce because I dont believe Kandi is homophobic. I could be wrong but that's my feeling about her. Probably Phaedra's mother.

  5. MontanaMarriott1:09 AM

    As many threesomes as Kandi and Tiny have had together, I would find it really ironic for Kandi to be homophobic unless she is one of those who believes "do as I say not do as I do".

  6. Geto 'Ho10:36 AM

    Kandi doesn't give off that homophobic vibe. That Phidra trick does.
    she's vile.

  7. Antonio12:47 PM

    Thanks. I was just about to post the same thing.Kandi has had sex with Tiny numerous times so that would be chock full of irony.

  8. It doesn't make sense for Kandi is homophobic if she is having threesomes as the current storyline is going...
