Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Blind Item #6

Unless they (A list permanent celebrities) want their child to end up a drug addled mess who also gets the gift that keeps on giving from a possible future threesome partner, they should really do their best to talk him out of his current romance.


  1. Tricia1312:04 AM

    Brooklyn Beckham/Sophia Richie?

  2. Tricia1312:06 AM

    And Paris Hilton for the 3rd partner I guess...

  3. Enty.
    If you have/had children, you would know how impossible this is when they 'think' they are in love.

  4. EWwwwwwww.... I just mentally threw up. The thought of this makes my skin crawl.

  5. So true.

    Although, when it comes to these celebrity brats - er I mean kids - the ONLY thing that will get their attention, is if the parents cut them off financially.

  6. Tricia131:41 AM

    @glue my sincerest apologies for providing that imagery:(
    On the upside it's likely made up because PH/SRhang out a lot now(she's like her "other sister" or something)which makes it truly ???. As for BB-no idea...Enty seems fascinated by that family though!

  7. longtimereader2:18 AM

    Horny teen boys don't listen to their parents.

  8. Alistdiva4:02 AM

    Paris is gross! She's 35 partying with 18 year olds. I bet she regrets never getting married and settling down, since she just looks desperate and pathetic now!

  9. information desk7:48 AM

    Um golden balls gave posh the herps ages ago after one of his many flings if anything the family that Valtrex together.

  10. S.D.AUNTIE1:53 PM

    I thought Paris would not have relations with certain ethnics? Or is that just guys? Sofia does resemble her dad .
