Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 1, 2016

For those of you original shippers from almost two decades ago, it is not a love/hate thing going on between the stars of the show. It is simply a ploy to get some more money. That being said, I don’t want you all to think the couple is seeing each other exclusively or anything like that. They both see other people. They both have frequent co-star things.

David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson


  1. Derek Harvey1:05 AM

    I dont think anyone watches the show because they may or may not have relations off screen...

  2. snitty1:41 AM

    I honestly cannot decipher this reveal. I gather that David and Gillian do not love each other nor do they hate each other. Is that the reveal? Seems kind of, you know, pointless to make this a blind. If I'm missing something, I'd love for someone to explain.

  3. Oh but it really can't be overstated how massive the shipping phenom of these two was back in the day.

  4. The rather recent news -- like in the past 5 years -- was that the are indeed fucking, which would have made the fan base go bonkers 20 years earlier.

  5. Joel Theriot3:20 AM

    She's a fantastic actress. And if there's a better female character in tv history than Scully I haven't seen it.

  6. Yawn!
    Stopped watching the original (when it got boring) and haven't watched the remake.

  7. Jessica4:23 AM

    They probably have hooked up, but really no one cares anymore. They are not their characters and they are not "meant to be" like shippers always want to believe.

  8. Chicagoguy5:37 AM

    I think Enty is saying here is that people should stop thinking they are committed to each other or are exclusive. It's more like they bang when they are together and have a "relationship" of some kind but they get to bang other people as well.

  9. EAsports6:44 AM

    What he's really saying is that the delay over the announcement of season 11 of The X-Files has to do with money and not any personal conflict between Anderson and Duchovney.

  10. Chicagoguy7:44 AM

    That too, and that they are not a exclusive couple and that a lot of their previous twitter flirts were to boost the show .

  11. Chicagoguy7:50 AM

    You are right , I think this is Enty's response to Gillian showing up with Peter Morgan at the GG's. A lot of shipper fans were freaking out that this means they broke up and that the X-Files are being delayed because of this as well. Enty has been hinting for a while that David and Gillian see other people on the side like co-stars, directors ect...They are more than friends with benefits but less than a committed , exclusive couple.

  12. I ate my own head9:00 AM

    Seriously? She's a dyke...

  13. LOL...seriously? Because she said she was with women before ? That makes you a lesbian? So forget the fact she has been married twice to guys and she had 2 more children with another man , because she said she was with women before she's a lesbian? What are you 7 years old ? Sheesh, give it a rest.

  14. Gabby1:13 PM

    I don't usually give 2 shits about celebrities, but I really love these two together, and have actually followed their relationship closely. Not sure I believe they were sleeping with other people, though. There are people close to them who've said they've been in a serious relationship for quite a while, and they've certainly appeared that way in pictures, videos, and things they've said about each other over the past few years. Not to mention her social media. Although something seems to have changed over the past few months, and Gillian's now rumored to be with the dreadful Peter Morgan. (Go read any interview about the guy. What the serious fuck could she be thinking...what a dick.) It's also a shame, because Gillian and David have an amazing chemistry and deep appreciation for one another that's been lovely to watch. Whatever's up, I hope Gillian and David find a way to make it work.

  15. I ate my own head5:28 PM

    Yeh, if you eat twat you're a lesbian. Straight women don't do that. Lots of gays marry, it's called bearding....DUH.

  16. Mowbray8:42 AM

    Add the word "bisexuality" to your lexicon - problem solved.

  17. Reiki Master Gal8:53 AM

    In the 1990s, David Duchovny seemed like an arrogant guy who didn't appreciate the show that made him famous. And now? I don't know what he's been drinking in his kale & kefir smoothies over the last decade, but I LOVE the gentle, introspective, really thoughtful man that he's become. I mean it, I LOVE David Duchovny. I think he and Gillian are really blessed to have each other. Yay Gillovny!

  18. I ate my own head3:24 PM

    *yawn.... half way to gaytown...

  19. snitty23:35 AM

    What you're missing is the fact that many fans suspect they've been fucking since at least 2012, if not 2008 (let alone back in the 90s), and in a "relationship" of sorts since 2015 & into 2016.

    Based on their behavior over the years at cons, on Jimmy Kimmel, etc etc, it's kinda undeniable there's been something going on between these two, according to fans.

    Then Gillian Anderson shows up at the Golden Globes (Jan 2017) with Peter Morgan. the WSJ and Page6 said she was dating him low key in October 2016....And they'rewondering what happened to Gillian and David.

    A bunch of tumblr blogs imploded, yada yada yada.
    Still no Season 11, which a bunch of fans thought might be related to Gillian and Peter yada yada yada
