Thursday, January 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 10, 2017

Back in the day between soap appearances to keep her solvent, this plumped lip reality star would spend her days in various clothing boutiques in the Valley. If you owned a women’s clothing store at that time, you could expect her to pop in and try on 20-25 items before leaving with nothing bought. Oh, sure, every once in a while she would throw the store a bone and buy the cheapest thing in the store, but she just wanted to feel like a big shot and get all the attention.

Lisa Rinna


  1. Barbara RiceHand1:08 AM

    No. She tried on that many things so you get confused. I guarantee she had at least 5 items under her clothes when she left..

  2. Spectator1:11 AM

    What a fucking whore, piece of shit.

  3. Wendell1:22 AM

    That's right Barbara RiceHand. Oldest trick in the book!

  4. sandybrook1:29 AM

    That fawning b.s. probably wore off quick when the store managers realized she wasn't buying much.

  5. Hey! Untalented actresses need clothing, too!

    This was probably before meeting and marrying Harry!

  6. ...and before bearding became so profitable!

  7. shakey2:18 AM

    Maybe she saved the stolen items to stock up her store.

  8. Laura Ramona3:16 AM

    I can t believe we are paying to watch the bitc*. I should be paid.

  9. Alistdiva4:51 AM

    She was likable the first season she was on RHOBH, but her insistence that Kim Richards (yes she's a hot mess) is going to die and all the nasty things she said to her were not necessary. I love when Kim made reference to her husband possible cheating and LR went ballistic. Maybe there was a little bit of truth to that, because I don't know how he could stand that nutcase!

  10. Derek Harvey7:25 AM

    Ugly bitch inside and out. #TeamKim

  11. Agreed.

    Talking about the probability of KR's death went too far.
    Ghoulish AND self-serving, delivered with solemn sanctimoniousness.
    (Soap opera version of Taylor Armstrong.)

  12. i met lisa rinna about 20years ago and i wanted her to be a bitch, but she was friendly, outgoing, overall a delightful person. she was someone i would gladly have as a friend. so, it kind of bothers me when people who have not met her call her a bitch, a thief, a whore, a piece of shit......and whatever else was said above. what pleasure is gotten by saying this kind of stuff? does it make you feel better about yourself if you can make yourself think that a celebrity is lower than you are?

  13. Dog poop12:40 AM

    Scandal! Do you mean to tell me that she did market research before opening her own clothing store? The shock! The horror!

  14. Rinna is disgusting.

    I want to know what secret Kim had on Hamlin.

  15. Poop Says8:34 PM

    i shopped on ventura blvd all the time when her store belle gray was there. never once set foot in it. it just looked so sterile and bland. i never saw anyone shopping in that store. it was always empty.

  16. I do this all the time. Just because she has money doesn't mean she likes what she sees in the mirror. This bilnd item completely disregards the attention the business received. How many stay at home moms watch soap operas and wear clothes? How many people go to specific retail and restaurant locations because of celebrity sightings?

    Criticizing anyone for this is rather absurd. Woman goes to shop. Woman tries on 5-10 outfits. Woman leave a without finding something she likes. NO FUCKING WAY THAT BITCH.

    I'd like to know which store owner submitted this item only so I can never shop there.
