Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 22, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actor feels like he has been getting the shaft but is trying to not go low. That may change though with what his ex is now saying publicly. Our actor has the ability to destroy his ex with photos and videos, not to mention some e-mails that could land her in jail.

Brad Pitt


  1. Erika1:17 AM

    This is weird. Angelina hasn't said anything.

  2. Malibuborebee1:41 AM

    Bury her. Jolie is a fucking junkie and she's batshit. He needs to take those kids and get them the hell away from her.

  3. TiggyTea1:43 AM

    She did. When Brad filed to keep records sealed to protect kids, Angie came back and said they had already been filed i court (a lie) and that Brad was trying to refile to make her look bad.

  4. Malibuborebee1:49 AM

    Really? So CPS is requiring supervised visits and allowing very few of those because St. AngieJo hasn't said anything?

    The tabloids and CPS are getting their outlandish stories and accusations against Brad from her.

    He should leak what he has, take the kids and let her rot. The minute he knew that she had secretly rented a house in Malibu weeks before she set him up on that flight, he should have leaked what he has on her and let her go down in flames. She's vile.

  5. El Prez1:56 AM

    It must be a New Year's miracle. I agree with Malibu!!!!

  6. Is Jolie the new Joan Crawford?
    Jolie: "How dare you hang a dress on a wire hanger!"
    Child: "Mom, do you need another hit?"

  7. Dumblesnore2:06 AM

    Skeletina needs to be the fuck away from those kids. One of my great hopes for the future is that Shiloh gets away from her controlling, crazy ass mom and turns into a super feminine, beautiful and happy young lady who is WAY more attractive than Skeletina.

  8. Raine2:07 AM

    Her credibility in international relations could be shot depending what's in the emails (offers to buy babies, whatever, she's a bona fide moron anyway on the international front). But I'm guessing Enty means drug soliciting or somesuch.

  9. Barbara RiceHand2:08 AM

    Wtf. I need more. I need to know some details about the videos or emails. Juicy.

  10. longtimereader2:11 AM

    Feel sorry for the kids.

  11. Hothotheat2:13 AM

    Can we all agree he was better off with Jen Anniston? I think so. He needs to expose her.

  12. Malibuborebee2:21 AM

    Everyone agrees with me, darling, they just think I'm a bitch for coming right out and saying whatever it is they're agreeing with at the moment. *shrug*

  13. Malibuborebee2:24 AM

    "Her credibility in international relations"


    She has no credibility. She's a high-school drop out actress whose fame brings attention to some refugees in crisis. As an individual she has no standing, no credibility to lose, nothing. She's a useful idiot. As her fame fades, so will her usefulness to aid organizations.

  14. Southern Belle in NC2:46 AM

    Dumblesnore, from your lips to God's ears!!

  15. Marianne2:48 AM

    Brad should throw her right under the bus..she hasn't thought twice about publicly slamming him to make her look like the Saint we know she's not!! What's he got to lose? She already took the kids and ran. If he did this much more respect to him..I think people would rally around him..and he may get some leverage on getting his children back..if the first two boys want to stay with her so be it..hope he gets to give his other kids a chance at some normalcy.!

  16. Exactly. We want the tea! Served hot please!

  17. TiggyTea2:56 AM

    Think Brad is playing smart. Give her enough rope and she'll do herself in.

  18. GoTrollUrSelf3:12 AM

    I agree, @TiggyTea. He can't be seen as attacking the mother of his children if he wants a relationship with them in the future. They're old enough to understand what's going on. As soon as she hangs herself, Dad will be there.

  19. Guesser3:21 AM

    I never would have believed I would side completely with Brad, I thought there must be something going on with him. But it's clear she has nothing, or at least nothing worse than he has on her . I think he fears what she would do to the kids, I agree he's letting her hang herself, she's probably going to be hospitalized soon, I can't see any way out for her.

  20. Barbar RiceHand3:28 AM

    Yahoo just printed a story throwing shade at Brad again. Enough with the round about stories. Spill the beans. I want to walk over these beans and complain that my socks are dirty now.

  21. Tee Dee3:36 AM

    Oh Brad please do!

  22. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:43 AM

    So if this BI is correct, brad pitt is threatening to show some evidence that he acknowledged that crimes were being commited, but he preferred to keep them to himself making him an accomplice and later a blackmailer. His lawyers must be fapping at the idea of it.

  23. lindylou4:53 AM

    Doesn't Shiloh prefer to be called John now?

  24. I said "she's a bona fide moron anyway on the international front," not sure how you missed the point.

  25. Malibuborebee6:05 AM

    Because what was not in parentheses was:

    "Her credibility in international relations could be shot depending what’s in the emails"

    That's how I took it to be a point that you were making. If you actually meant what was parenthetical and didn't mean what wasn't then, umm, okay.

  26. Speaking for myself, I think you're a bitch just because you go out of your way to be a bitch.

  27. Did Brad and Kate Hudson hook up? The kids are way better off with Brad, the poor kids. I agree, Shiloh needs to get the hell away from her mother. This is a bad scene.

  28. +100000000

  29. Yes my sentiments exactly! Angelina skank is jeolous of Shiloh's beauty trying to confuse her! CPS where are you when you are most needed. Brad give it up she's a gross bitch you got stuck with!!!

  30. Just because you are bi sexual doesn't mean your child will be!

  31. While I think Angelina is an evil witch, this just might be Brad's karma for how he treated his ex wife, Jen. What comes around always goes around. And yes, Inagree the real victims are their children.

  32. Well maybe11:23 AM

    I wonder which of the kids will be the first to write a tell all

  33. S.D.AUNTIE12:49 PM

    Ummm. Shiloh will never be a girly girl. I went to school with 2 people who were butch since 1st grade and gave been gay for ages.some people are born this way and will remain this way . Angelina has drug issues and needs to get over herself.

  34. Malibuborebee1:08 PM

    Thank you, OKay, I don't actually have to go out of my way to be a bitch, it just comes naturally and it is so sweet of you to notice.

  35. Hot Cola1:17 PM

    I would love to see her swing in the wind..
    (Fake) St.Angi Jo

  36. Geto Ho'1:24 PM

    This is all a smear campaign, Angelina Jolie didn't offer her kids up.

  37. Right, because Brad would take care of the kids? Please, reality check... Ange, Brad, Jen are prob all druggies. No winners. Put all money in fund for children. All parties tie tubes bc there 's enough children in this situ.

  38. S.D.Auntie, yes, you have a point. In this scenario I believe it is something else. A know characteristic of narcissistic mothers is trying to suppress their daughters femininity. The narcissist is so jealous of
    the little girl they dress them up like boys, etc.

  39. NoseyNeighbor7:16 PM

    I don't think Brad is going to want to take care of those kids. Much easier to pay someone else to do it. As for Shiloh, the damage is done. She is too old to change now.

  40. Actually...11:27 PM

    Lisa, thank you for wording your point that way. That is an exact description of a girl I dated whose mother had never let her grow her hair out (because it was "too much trouble"), and who had been called hateful names all throughout her childhood for looking like a boy. It makes perfect sense that the mother did this out of her jealousy over her daughter's superior beauty. It explains a lot.

  41. I would give custody to the nannies and make them both pay child support. Especially the adopted children who aren't even biologically theirs.

    If they use drugs, any amount at all, then they're not fit people to have custody of children.

  42. parkdove5:30 AM

    Maybe the kids could go live with Brad's parents if they are not too old. So many celebrity kids turn out AFU. And while we are talking about kids I want to know if marion cotillard's baby is Brad's!

  43. Sheepie3:50 PM

    Do people on here know Ange personally??

  44. sunkist11:16 AM

    I bet she sent life threatening emails to him. I remember an enty blind that eluded to her and several suicide attempt in front of the kids. The ex bodyguard says she's a terrible mother and has a temper like a cobra.
