Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 24, 2016

The boyfriend of this B- list singer/B list mostly movie actress who has a franchise/celebrity offspring had to send out for a wire cutter at the hotel where the couple were staying. Apparently during a sex game he zip tied his girlfriend to the bed but neither brought anything to cut them off. When room service gave him a hard time about just needing a steak knife, he called down to the front desk to get a wire cutter.

Zoe Kravitz


  1. sandybrook1:37 AM

    Looking at the tweets from yesterday, looks a bit like Enty got bombed. Or he's competing with Donald Trump now.

  2. Anderson Likes It In The Pooper1:46 AM

    18 more days until we have a real president. Not some snake oil jive ass turkey.

  3. sandybrook1:50 AM

    Vladimir Putin will make a fine president, controlling his puppet and telling him exactly what and when to do it. And when he wants his wife in his bed in Russia.

  4. Bradley Pooper2:05 AM

    Regarding your moniker, are you Anderson and do you like it in the pooper?
    Just curious...

  5. Anderson Likes It In The Pooper2:06 AM

    Better than the Divider in Chief we have now. Putin has no respect for him. Putin has better taste than to bed MOOchelle and her inside linebacker build.

  6. Anderson Likes It In The Pooper2:07 AM

    Like the Gary Pooper reveal yesterday, I like being around naked men.

  7. sandybrook2:13 AM

    I hate to break this tidbit to you but the reason Putin wanted Trump to be POTUS is he has absolutely ZERO respect for the buffoon and knows he can control him.

  8. Anderson Likes It In The Pooper2:18 AM

    Well that's an increase to zero from the negative integer of respect he had for Barry the Buffon.

    I don't know Sandy, can't do any worse than we are right now from a foreign policy standpoint.

  9. sandybrook2:34 AM

    Be patient, it won't take long.

  10. Anderson Likes It In The Pooper2:39 AM

    I'm holding you too that! 1/3/17. Sandy says country will be in the shitter shortly. So I'll say it's on the rim of the toilet. Dangling like a piece of toilet paper

  11. sandybrook2:46 AM

    Before next new year. That's shortly. For him it's 11 1\2 months.

  12. So funny to listen/read Trump supporter's bullet points that are Pro Trump and Con Hillary or Barrack.
    My GOP connected friends/clients in LV have told me that they think Trump will be impeached sooner than later.
    (You can't use the office of US President for financial gain. It's against the law.)
    Anyway, the GOP leaders didn't want Trump elected anyway.

  13. Oobejabbawonka3:04 AM

    Which is surprising seeing as you are a gigantic c**t.

  14. sandybrook3:08 AM

    I see they have backed off getting rid of the ethics committee already today. I expect that committee will be kept very busy.

  15. Michelle3:16 AM

    Sure didn't stop Obama, did it? How did he accumulate 10 million bucks while working as a government servant? Hmmmm.....

  16. GoTrollUrSelf3:39 AM

    Ethics? We don't need no stinkin ETHICS!!

  17. Most people who supported Trump aren't voting in their best interests but are too...naive...to even know that. Like incompetent people don't know they're incompetent?

  18. Shorny4:17 AM

    What did Nixon supporters do after he resigned? Did they feel responsible or at least regretful that they had supported him? I think not. Most people who would vote for a self-acknowledged sexual predator/self-acknowledged tax evader/trash television show host, are not good at self-evaluation, and have serious issues conducting themselves in ways that are respectful to others. As evidence from the behavior above.

  19. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:21 AM

    How has this thread become a fight between someone who prefers Putin as the new president of the USA against people who prefer saudi babaria (copyright Nassim Taleb), Venezuela, or Cuba to rule the USA?

  20. Anderson Likes It In The Pooper4:33 AM

    True that. Bill the Predator Clinton was elected twice. His foundation used as a pay to play, ripping of Haiti. His wife running for president having zero respect for national security deleting emails. Lying about Benghazi, getting rich off of stock futures, covering up the suicide? of Vince Foster. Her failure at national healthcare in the 90's (laughed out of Congress) Pulling out and announcing when in regard to Iraq.

    Just saying, there is not much to like about the Clintons. I know my best interests are with Trump.

  21. Bradley Pooper4:57 AM

    You didn't answer my question. Are you Anderson or are you referring to a famous Anderson? That's what I'd really like to know.

  22. A Limey Writes....6:36 AM

    I can tell you , here in Blighty we're absolutely fascinated by your presidential election. It was like watching someone be told that poking themselves in the eye would hurt and potentially blind them, but just plough on with it. Kudos on your commitment to the bit!
    Also I won a right few quid betting on it so, cheers!

  23. Hortensia7:27 AM

    Anyone notice how rude Trump supporters are? Here, in the local media comments section, out in public. Trump has no self dignity, and apparently neither do his supporters.

  24. Williame8:15 AM

    Lol your GOP friends? I doubt you have any GOP friends...
    George soros the puppeteer of Barack Hussein and Chillary needs to deported

  25. Williame8:18 AM

    Nixon did 1/100th of what John podesta and soros and Hilary did

    Nixon started the equal opportunity comm
    Occupational safety and health comm
    Highway safety act
    Pension guaranty fund
    Mine safety act all to help workers and minorities protect rights, pensions and lives
    Worked closely with Ralph Nader
    Get educated
    Nothing sadder than a stupid American

  26. Williame8:19 AM

    I prefer anyone other than George soros Barry and Hilary's puppet master
    A war profiteer and self hating Jew

  27. the land of unscared lunatics & scared cretins...

  28. Trumpette10:17 AM

    So far every Trump supporter I have encountered (whether in person or via social media) has conducted themself in a manner consistent with that of an ignorant buffoon. This comment section is currently serving as further evidence of just that.

  29. Brian1:17 PM

    Since when is Zoe Kravitz a B- list singer?

  30. Hussein Obamination is a muslim terrorist supporter, appeaser, collaborator and sympathiser. Her has bombed 4 more countries than Bush, destabilised 2 continents, displaced over 10 Milliion people with his failed appeasing policies, his way of 'leadership CREATED ISIS (!!!), he was the community organiser of a murderous cesspit and couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.
    But he organised ISIS, as we all saw so well................

    So to all of those who think that Putin is going to lead the US:

    First of all, this is the dumbest, most simplistic conclusion, that has no substantiated evidence whatsoever (like Islam being the religion of peace - pieces more like..) , but even if that were true (which it is not), do you inbreds prefer a MUSLIM TERORRIST to govern you? Cause that's what you had for the past 8 years.

    *Obama in a nutshell: praise Islam, ignore Christianity, blame Jews*

    Obama is the worst thing that has happened to the free western world and a famous italian journalist recently correctly said: "that useless racist terrorist, showed the entire planet that he'd be only useful at picking cotton".

    The ENTIRE WORLD hates Barry, while hell of a lot of more people (here in Europe, pretty much everybody!!!) like and respect Trump.

    He's an ungrateful parasite who did not do anything for anybody, except islamic terrorist. He did not do anything for Black Americans, he did not do anything for white Americans (those racist ones who voted for him twice!), he did not do anything for America's allies, he did not do anything for vulnerable minorities persecuted by islam, but he did a lot for ISIS, Iran, Turkey, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Hamas and Boko Haram!

    Sandybrook: you're a useless cretinous imbecile, no wonder you spend all your days here reading celebrity gossip and guessing celebrity names. You're too stupid to understand anything else.
    In case you amoeba brained creature haven't noticed: Trump doesn't need to destroy America: Barry has already done it.

    Or maybe you missed SNIPERS SHOOTING COPS, and black groups calling for the killing of whites! That happened under Obama's watch!

  31. Long Island Girl12:10 AM

    Hey Marlo, you forgot to call us non-Breitbart conned, critical thinking individuals inbred.
    You like that word. Oh, that's right, you write inbred hyphenated *in-bred*.
    Always makes me giggle as you expound yourself as so highly intelligent.
    You ought to copy your diatribe so that you don't have to rewrite the above bullshit over and over again. You're welcome.

  32. LiveYourLife4:04 AM

    Not going to enter the political discussion, but.. as I said on the original blind.. Zoe Kravitz does NOT have a celebrity offspring. She IS the celebrity offspring. Proof-reading has been a little sloppy on these blinds of late.
