Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 3, 2017

This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee better start being nice. This past weekend she called several fans bi**ches when they asked to take a photo with her. Our actress was drunk and just foul tempered to everyone.

Jennifer Lawrence


  1. texasrose1:51 AM

    Notice the description has been slightly changed from original blind. 'a' to 'A'. See my original comment.

  2. sandybrook2:09 AM

    As noted by practically everyone on the original JLaw is A+. I know Enty doesn't like her but she's the highest paid and highest grossing for a good reason.

  3. So, her "romance" with Darren is bringing out the worst in her.
    Time for her to move on to another would be victim -- I mean director -- who can cast (promise) her in/an Oscar worthy role.

  4. Spectator3:39 AM

    Never like her. Always think she's fake as fuck.

  5. passengers was abysmal and a box office bomb..

  6. Jasmine6:00 AM

    Passengers was a flop. Jlaw will soon receive the needed backlash from the media who likes to kiss her a$$. She's foul mouth overrated bigot. Everything she does is so calculative. I'm so glad we didn't have to see her at the Golden Globes this year. Her falling down is getting old and people are noticing it. She's concocting her next shtick.

  7. melissa7:29 AM

    She just comes across as totally UNLIKE-ABLE, she has a big mouth, lacks class and is only 'A List' cuz today's crop of young actors are ATROCIOUS.
    I have never liked her movies and she has WAAYYY too much botox for someone who needs to use facial expressions for a living and it ages her like 10 years.
    Don't believe me, watch Serena that flop she did with Bradly Cooper, her botox is so bad it's actually distracting.

  8. Hortensia8:58 AM

    No, it's the "fans" who get in her face, fans who have no boundaries, fans who shove cameras in her face. The rudeness of some people is appalling.

  9. Sitaramuse12:54 PM

    Hanging with Amy Chipmunk Schumer jas made her a bitch.

  10. marlo4:58 PM

    She is very pretty, talented, but she does come across as super ignorant, peasanty, uneducated, and simple minded.
    Her farting and burping jokes, that went on for year,s were pathetic and embarrassing.
    She's just now sophisticated enough to be Hollywood movie star. She'd make a great reality tv show star though. Trashy suits her better.

  11. Truthfully12:41 AM

    I can't wait for her inevitable downfall to begin.

  12. TopperMadison12:55 AM

    There is truth in this. A famous friend of mine used to get physically accosted all the time by pushy, rude "fans". For some reason, when you're a public figure, the "fans" believe they own you and think touching is allowed.

  13. Willow1:52 AM

    I must be missing something. She's a very good actress, and doesn't strike me as being trashy or rude...maybe I've missed the key interviews.

  14. Sarah4:15 AM

    I don't think she is trashy or rude as much as put off by fans who cant leave her alone in public. Why is it that the celebrity is at fault for not wanting to stop every 5 seconds to pose for selfies and get touched/grabbed at by rude fans. There's a sense of entitlement people have now when it comes to celebs that just because someone has chosen to act and becomes famous that they can be bothered and harrassed for photos whenever it suits the fan. I get being appreciative and grateful for people who admire your work, but if I couldn't go for a night out without a bunch of people grabbing at me and asking me for selfies, I'd get a bit grumpy too. The girl is human. Give her a break.

  15. scallywag12:45 PM

    I agree. I think she's just unfiltered. If people are out of line she says so. And from what I can tell, Angelenos think 'bitches' is like 'gals' so if you're not the type to censor yourself that'll slip out for sure.

  16. Bakcse6:07 AM

