Monday, January 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 14, 2017

This remake/reboot of a classic movie taking a turn on television is awful. Even though it is going through the process of being promoted this week, it is not anywhere close to being the way it needs to be. It will be a laughingstock.

Dirty Dancing


  1. Elise3:00 AM

    I didn't think the original was all that great.

  2. And-so-on..3:04 AM

    Maybe they should have used all the nasty women protesting, changing the dialogue to oh boo hoo this affair is never is going to work, such ancient inclusive we are single, let's mingle and be coupled.. jerks settling for the classic disappointment choices in life, man woman, these relationships are relics of the old order in time and life... It's all bad, sad and why care.. what happens to these slob main characters..?

  3. Shorny3:50 AM

    Dirty Dancing would have been better if it had actually been dirty.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf4:29 AM

    I think they aim at people who've never seen the original. They probably won't mind.
    I always disliked Patrick Swayze, wouldn't watch anything he was in. Obviously just me, though.

  5. Riven6:59 AM

    @GoTrollUrself +11
    I never understood his appeal.

  6. Anikamali8:56 AM


  7. It wasn't. Much like Flashdance and Footloose, it was really all about the music.

  8. Beaches looks god awful

  9. Cherry11:16 AM

    What the fuck are you babbling about?

  10. Scandi Sanskrit2:48 PM


  11. @riven took me a long time to see the appeal in Patrick swayze. For me personally though is the 80s nostalgia appeal. He represents the era of his time. I hated him during the 90s but now I grew to love his movies.

  12. There is not a single coherent thought anywhere in your rant. Not one.

  13. Fairmont19554:13 AM

    That's a lot of stupid and angry in one confusing comment.

  14. TheCousinEddy6:08 AM

    ABC should have just ordered a musical episode of Modern Family entitled "The Dunphys and Pritchetts go to the Catskills" and done a campy and cheesy parody of or tribute to Dirty Dancing.

    It would have probably been more entertaining and appealed to ABC's core demographic and there would not have been so much social media vitriol.
