Friday, January 27, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 23, 2017

This former franchise actress turned movie bomb maker booked the deal to host this late night show long ago. She thought she would be up for an Oscar and this would be an in front of your face voter moment. Nope.

Kristen Stewart/SNL


  1. An award for what movie?

  2. Ang Lee's movie was awarded the top of most critics most anticipated films list. Unfortunately Lee's new filming techniques didn't translate well. The picture, Lee, Steve Martin and Kristen were getting Oscar buzz. I'm not sure that's why Kristen is hosting SNL, but it makes sense her agent would seek it out.

  3. Jessica3:22 AM

    She's sooooo gonna bomb, you need to be quick on your feet, she's drugged out of her mind on Adderal.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf3:29 AM

    She directed a short that debuted at Sundance.

  5. I'm a fan, it's not something I believe suis her. If she bombs, she bombs. I admire her courage, I'm too shy.

  6. LiveYourLife8:54 AM

    It wasn't the short. It was her role in "Certain Women," which got a ton of buzz a year ago at Sundance. She was nominated for one 'Best Supporting Actress' award from a minor awards show, but Lily Gladstone stole most of the acting nominations from that movie.

  7. Ashley10:33 AM

    hahahaha, her few remaining stans of course come out of the wood work to defeand her no matter how many times she insults them. She's gonna stink up the joint badly.

  8. Twiggt11:20 AM

    Used to like her
    Now I don't

  9. Twiggt11:22 AM

    SNL is awful
    It's become this maniacal crazy anti trump show for rich NYC liberal elitist snowflakes
    They are so obsessed they don't even care show sucks
    Gilda and Dan arroyo Belisha were so funny not so mean spirited

  10. She had 3 chances for awards (Certain Women, Cafe Society and Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk). They plan these Oscar campaigns months in advance, and she will be on SNL right when ballots are being marked.

    Unfortunately for her, she miscalculated, and didn't get nominated for anything. Sony had been ready to push her for Billy Lynn til it stank up the NYFF and died. It's one of the biggest flops of last year and she'll get nothing out of it but this chance to embarrass herself on live TV.

    She can't do comedy, she has one expression, can't do accents--it will be interesting to see just how badly she flops.

  11. She’s such a joke. She always looks stoned. Her PR team works overtime at booking gigs like this to keep her name out there because all her movies flop. She will be a disaster on SNL–twitchy, mumbling, fidgeting, looking awkward as usual. Bet they get the worst ratings of the season.

  12. I would love to see SNL recreate her hook up with her married director in a MiniCooper.. Or have her go for coffee and parade in front of the paps in an endless loop, the way she does with all her girlfriends.

    Knowing her, the sketches will be throwbacks to Twilight, she's got nothing else. Still riding coattails.

  13. LucidDreams5:03 PM

    I cant wait to see this MESS

  14. Personal Shopper

  15. Fairbanks3:41 AM

    Social media isn't looking forward to Kirsten Stewart (lol) or Kristen Stewart on SNL. In fact, many don't seem to know who she is.

    If she fails, trolls will have another "wiffle ball /freedom pole" moment. Or crutches at the Oscars moment. Or being photographed using illegal drugs moment. Or stumbling out of bars so drunk she falls on the cobblestones moment. Or mounting another failed Oscar campaign. Or walking around with a strap on under her jeans moment. Or caught screwing her married director on the side of the road moment. Or making out with her string of lesbian lovers on the streets of various cities moment.

    Never mind, everything she does is an embarrassment. That's who she is.

  16. Jillian4:21 AM

    pathetic. No wonder her team is trying so hard

  17. Agree4:25 AM

    Agree, Kristen has always had a bad reputation, but now it's reaching new levels of discredit because she's exposing herself, embarrassing herself with her horny teen behavior, showing how immature she is, and that is not how an almost 27-yr old woman acts.

    She is putting people off and fans are embarrassed for her.....maybe she thinks she is cool or a rule-breaker but the general public don't think that, if they're even aware of her. She is her worst enemy.

  18. Stewie is the biggest try-hard in the world. She literally spends a million dollars a year on her PR team, trying to shove her down an unwilling public's throat.

    She's so irrelevant, it's not even funny and she will flop hard on SNL. They need a strong star to write material around and one that can deliver. She can't do anything. I wonder if she will disappear and do her 28 days in rehab when this is over?

  19. I used to be a fan, her work has not done anything to keep me intrested, her past five movies were horrible but she keeps turning up to pre Oscar nomination events, i cringe for her everytime

  20. Kelly3:19 AM

    "Cringe" is the perfect word to describe a person's reaction to seeing Stinkin' Stewart. She always looks like she slept in a pile of garbage -- ratty clothes, rat's nest hair, greasy skin.

    She either looks high AF or like she's just coming down. Cannot get over how professional make up artists can't cover up those dark circles under her eyes. She will crash and burn on SNL, and go off and act like she was the best host ever. Wish I had the drugs she's on.

  21. Dorothy3:02 AM

    Not sure how it's mean spirited when they use his exact same words.

  22. Blessed7:23 PM

    Wow sure would be nice to give her a chance before it happens
