Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #7

January 4, 2017

This permanent A list mostly movie actor actually has multiple Academy Award wins/nominations despite a lot of acting talent. He was also paid mid six figures to attend a party over the weekend but is taking a lot of flack for it. He probably should have asked for more.

Sylvester Stallone/Donald Trump's NYE partty


  1. sandybrook2:36 AM

    *a lack of acting talent*.
    Most of his Celebrity Apprentice casts are available for appearances and combined would cost a lot less.

  2. Spectator3:34 AM

    I'm actually beginning to realize that Donald trump is actually not that bad, and the mainstream media has really brainwashed everyone.

  3. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob3:49 AM

    At least he has not received death threats like Andrea Bocelli has from those anti-dictators/democracy-lovers/liberals that have made him to resign from singing in the inaguration.

  4. Tee Dee3:49 AM

    @sandybrook Honey, Arnold is hosting Celebrity Apprentice, not Sylvester.

  5. And-so-on..3:50 AM

    It's his life, he is mature, solvent.. free to make friends with anyone.. he's a tough guy I doubt he's worried and hiding under the bed in terror he might offend someone as nowadays it is impossible not to offend someone no matter what you do, say or think.....

  6. And like everything else in Trump's campaign/life, it's all fake.

    And, the Trumpetters don't see the man behind the curtain.

    Sadly, the GOP knows he's an idiot and can't do anything but pretend they like him.

    I truly hope he resigns in frustration in the next couple of months!

  7. French girl4:00 AM

    He just assaulted sexually some women.He insulted immigrants,Mexicans,foreigners,Women....
    He is a hustler( Trump university),doesn't release his tax papers,Putine's ass kisser

  8. French girl4:07 AM

    Some Trump supporters threatened to rape/kill many feminist journalists or liberal journalists or simple journalists or their family just because they wrote on Trump and his fans disliked what they read on him

  9. FairyDogMother4:14 AM

    Is this Stallone "appearance at a Trump event" the reason that Stallone was subsequently faced with a "seating mixup" ( no seat for him and his wife together) at the Golden Globes Dinner at the table with Casey Affleck and crew? That was so highly publicized, that he was "shown up" with a mix-up so to speak. Seems a peculiar coincidence. In any case, I hope the inauguration showcases regular Americans of varied ethnicity instead of celebrities.

  10. sandybrook4:30 AM

    Sorry for being vague but I was referring to Trump's Celebrity Apprentice casts. The "celebrities" he met there. All could use a payday and an appearance.

  11. Hot Cola4:41 AM

    The capitalistic way: if you can't make ' em corporate outta their own free will, pay them!
    (not that I'm complaining, love this way. Whayy better than the alternatives).

  12. Suzanne4:51 AM

    Off topic - I think all this media attention on these "reports" that Russia "has" is all diversion tactics. The newscasters are all over this, and not looking at the fact that TRUMP DOES NOT HAVE A PLAN FOR ANYTHING. I've seen this so many times in the business world - create some fireworks so that people are all focused on the nonsense, and forgetting about the real issue. Latest tweets about John Lewis and slamming for "talk talk talk". Well, what has Trump DONE? Besides tweet?

  13. I'm concerned that this new realization could indicate a brain tumour.

  14. Me again5:08 AM

    The wee handed one has gone bankrupt a few times.
    Grabbed a few pussies.
    Sprayed on too much fake tan.
    Polishes that gigantic ego of his.

  15. I really wish libs would get hold of themselves. Hard to claim moral upper ground when you're down in the mud.

    P.S.: Good point, Suzanne.

  16. Kennedy5:59 AM

    The Liberals have lost their minds...death threats on a blind opera singer is seriously disturbed the Hollywood liberals have resorted to McCarthy terror tactics of quieting opposition to liberalism. That's fascism.

  17. Kennedy6:00 AM

    You mean Obama right.

  18. Ethan Cohen6:01 AM

    david you are like Hitler quieting opposition
    God bless president trump

  19. Tonika Johnson6:04 AM

    John Lewis and Al Sharpton are race baiter that have kept my people down and in welfare as it profits them
    I am an angry black woman and I voted for Trump cause he will get rid of the illegal Mexicans taking my sons jobs at McDonald's and their gangs in my community

  20. Diana6:34 AM

    Amazing how bullying is so popular these days. I remember when it was frowned upon. I guess those days are over. Send in the barbarians.

  21. Cherry6:43 AM

    Have you suffered a brain injury lately?

  22. Tammie6:46 AM

    Prove it! This is a bogus statement!!!

  23. Really? What convinced you? His pledge to start a nuclear arms race or his slavish devotion to war criminal Vladimir Putin?

  24. melissa7:20 AM

    All politics are fake. It's all a smoke screen for the big fish to fuck the small fish but make it seem as if they are fucking them in THEIR best interest.
    I personally just love sitting back and watching both sides lose their mind over all the lies bullshit and propaganda.
    No one cares about US, no one cares about AMERICA, all they care about is themselves and how much blood they can milk from this society.
    I literally laugh at adults who follow this shit and think it's real.
    Shit is as real as the fucking Easter Bunny.

  25. Dannette8:41 AM

    What has Trump DONE? Besides tweet?

    Uh you might not have noticed, but inaug day is this Friday, Jan 20th, unless noted intellect and public advocate Rosie ODonnel gets her way and manages to get Martial Law implemented. So hold your capitalization until after the 20th, or we're all confined to our homes, whichever comes first.

  26. Hortensia8:46 AM

    Nobody threatened Andrea Bocelli. NO ONE!
    Get a brain.

  27. Surly9:48 AM forgot the disabled.

  28. Scandi Sanskrit9:51 AM

    LOL. Even I don't have to pay people to come to my parties. And I'm as unpopular and unpopular can be.

  29. Scandi Sanskrit9:59 AM

    It's so sad how people have to start looking into whether things are diversions or not.

    Remember when that sketchy AF "JetBlue" incident happen? I thought it was suspicious and didn't make any sense, so I went straight to his Twitter account to see if there was any sympathy/diversion needed.

    First of all, he was tweeting about the nukes (during a time where others were tweeting about religious tolerance, about Muslim UN Peacekeepers possibly covering for Christian soldiers so they could celebrate Christmas back home). And then, there was this tweet:

    "The so-called "A" list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!"

    He comes off as desperate thirsty for all the "A-list" celebrity endorsements. So then came the PR stunt that looked like it came straight out of a trashy Hollywood reality show? The message: "Look, me and my family are just like you, we get harassed by the plebs too. Why don't you like us, A-listers? We're just like you... Come to the inauguration, will you?" Even if that was the intention, how is that even relevant anymore? Even Z-list bloggers/vloggers get harassed IRL nowadays, it's not an exclusively-Hollywood "celeb problem" any longer.

    People need to start paying attention. Next time he/his family pulls another stunt that doesn't add up, don't pay it any attention. Just go straight to looking into what's important.

    Just go straight into looking at his statements/meetings he had that day/policies, his tweets, or whatever you really need to be paying attention to. Get distracted for a split second, and he'll nuke you.

    I'm not saying that every candidate who came from entertainment to enter politics is going to run their term trashy, I'm just saying this particular one does.

  30. Daftensia- nobody in the Kremlin rigged our election and Trump kicked her ass from here to Siberia.Your point?
    By the way the losing libtards wanna be Sopranos absolutely threatened Bocelli and and anyone else that still has a career to be compromised in the industry because the deranged fucks have no other recourse .
    Pretty sure Beyoncé and the other mindless sheep put their election night /inaugural dress" on eBay. But you are truly making ground in a lost battle with your bitterness *snort*

  31. Now that I believe.

  32. Mkay's Third Grade Teacher2:18 PM

    Libtards, the last insult refuge of the feeble minded Rush Limbaugh hangers-on.

  33. Kermie's Lawyer2:46 PM

    Did you inherit your lack of awareness from your scumbag namesake? Seems so.

  34. Yes that woman just happened to tell her story of how trump touched her? She could have came out before election but democrats did not think trump had a chance. Now after election democrats are grasping at straws. I don't buy it for one darn minute. Liberals are doing everything they can to keep him from making America great again. Oh btw one side of my mother's family works for NSA and in the pentagon. Obama conformed in a Bush. Obama lied through his teeth. One person told me that Obama admitted ear shot from them that bring more refugees could possibly case an terror attack but the out come of uniting Muslim based countries to the UN would be worth it. He also lied about spying on Russia. We are in double the debt since Obama has taken over. The percentage of welfare recipients has jumped up to 9 more %. Unemployment has increased by only 2% but that's because employers have cut full time positions to avoid paying out in Obamacare. So less hours but more jobs. No overtime. So please stfu unless you have sources like I do. Thankful Trump is on his way and he's already saved automotive companies from taking away work. Like I said STFU LOSER

  35. marlo4:45 PM

    I love how all you returded Hitlery's have been having your knickers in a bunch for 2 months now!! Democracy ey....only good if it works in your favour, huh? ;)

    Thank God for Trump, drain this filthy swamp of terrorist prostates @french girl: you know who rapes the most women & children in the world: MUSLIMS! The same ones who shoot 100+ at Bataclan, the same ones who drove over 80+ people including pushchairs in Nice, the same ones Clinton and Obama take their hundreds of millions of petrodollars from!

    But hey, France has always been on the 'right' side: Hitler, Muslims, Leftist socialist parasites..... egalite' , fraternite' et liberte' is over now that you have over 11% of Muslims, it's only a matter of very short time until they outbreed you.
    And then it's bye bye Voltaire, Descartes and Rousseau....say hello to female genital mutilation, hanging of gays in public squares and legalised pedophilia....your country will have a wonderful future.

  36. marlo4:45 PM

    LOL, that was PROSTITUTES, not prostates

  37. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner12:02 AM

    Yeah, Obama has had so many bankruptcies and is a hideous shade of orange and is not married to his original wife. Try not to read that twice, it might hurt your birther brain.

  38. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner12:04 AM

    Right wingers really need to get their "isms" down. I blame lackofeducationism.

  39. ANYONE who told you ANYTHING regarding issues of national security are NOT people who are read on to anything! Those who are actually read on to issues would not be Sharing with you!!

    The employees in the agencies that spill bogus information are only working there in support positions. They are not operators and know nothing.

    You will try to rebut my facts, but I actually know. Keep on drinking your coolaide. I prefer facts and reality.

  40. Penelope212:49 AM

    I don't believe this one. Stallone is proudly Republican and would have gone for free, and has taken flack for it for many years already. I don't think he cares.

  41. Chello1:12 AM

    Paid Trump shill much?

  42. Chello1:16 AM

    There is a big difference in supporting smaller government/fiscal responsibility and standing by a narcissistic, racist Cheeto and his closeted, hate-filled running mate. God save us. All of the gods. Any.

  43. Chello1:26 AM

    Another example of the poor, voiceless and powerless are manipulated by politicians. Do you think you're getting a golden ticket to Trump Tower? Do you think the Orange One cares about you or your family or your town or the prospects of your children? I hope the next four years are educational for you.

  44. marlo1:37 AM

    Chello - everything you say pales in comparison to a PUBLIC SERVANT, who is worth $200 million !!! Where the phack did that money come from? Since when is Hitlery such a business woman?

    Oh I forgot, she sold her soul to Islam, and is a whore to islamist terror, while she spend $1 BILLION of taxpayers money on her loser campaign...!!!

    Clinton only cares about stuffing her own pockets, her foundations had hushed scandal after hushed scandal, Haiti are still waiting for they financial relief, but Hitlery probably had to pay off some poor raped girl, huh..? But somehow islamic terror is doing so amazingly well, better than ever before, weird huh? Muslim wars everywhere....and beheaded american ambassadors of course.

    You motherfucking retarded hypocrite.

  45. Truthteller1:41 AM

    Nobody believes you, not even yourself! #madeuplie

  46. longtimereader2:14 AM

    WTF!?! that sweet, charming, blind opera singer?

  47. Marlo's Grade 9 Teacher2:18 AM

    "Returded Hitlerys"

    Schooling people on the wrongs of genital mutilation and the injustice of hanging people for their sexual preference whilst also using idiotic slander renders your position worthless.

  48. marlo2:58 AM

    Marlo's 9th grade teacher - no, it does absolutely not, you fucking turd. I can call you a turd, because you choose to ignore real issues, due to you being a hypocritical, not too bright coward.
    It takes guts to be honest and it takes a certain intelligence to admit to one's own ignorance. You are deeply ignorant, that's why you prefer to focus on my slurs, instead of on my message.

    Confucius: "Show an idiot the moon, and he will stare at your finger" - this is you - and then you wonder why you feel addressed by 'retard'...

  49. June's Smarter Older Sister3:40 AM

    Preach Marlo.In addition to wondering why (with mouths STILL agape) why they lost the election so miserably to a candidate who spent a hot minute in politics.Yep. Libtards are THAT unappealing and their BS hypocritical ,delusional whining that OVER.

  50. Sarah3:53 AM

    @melissa THANK YOU for saying that. Elected officials are not agents of change, the way we are lead to believe that they are. Everyone has their pockets lined by banks/big businessmen and they are the people who make all the decisions. Our President is simply a figurehead/face to parade around. I wish our most recent figurehead wasn't such a deplorable human being, but those who think the apocalypse is coming with Trump going into office need to calm down. He does not truly have the power to change anything of relevance. Watch the documentary Zeitgeist. It gives the sobering reality of who really runs the world and what the real driving force is: money.

  51. Long Island Girl5:29 AM

    Aaaand... it wouldn't be a day if you weren't shit-stirring on cdan.
    I bet you're really just an average Joe looking for attention.

  52. Long Island Girl5:31 AM

    French girl, don't let Spectator rile you. That's what he wants. He's silly that way.

  53. Long Island Girl5:42 AM

    My god, get your head out of your ass. Stupid fucking shit.
    I guess it's no coincidence that Trump followers are as arrogant and ignorant as he.

  54. Long Island Girl5:47 AM

    I hate you, Marlo. You are inept, unintelligent, arrogant and frankly, a despicable human being. Or, to use your insipid words, a motherfucking retarded hypocrite.

  55. Long Island Girl5:50 AM

    More ugly words from a very ugly person. I'd hate to think that you have actual family.
    If there's a god, I pray you don't have children.

  56. Not exactly. "Libtards"= a word used to describe a bunch of flatulent, insufferable, grand standing(laughably so)hypocrites who resort to bullying anyone who thinks otherwise-and clearly VOTES otherwise. Stamp your feet and throw your toys around another sandbox you safety pin lovin preschooler.Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the Republican world is getting drunk on your salty bitter tears moron.

  57. Marlo speaks the absolute and perhaps "inconvenient truth "for many(but the truth nonetheless )in a powerful and articulate way. You,on the other hand, sound like your average garden variety,pseudo intellect libtard who is quite possible emotionally and certainly-mentally -stunted.Might serve you well to spend some time with a thesaurus at the very least sweets.

  58. GUESSWhoisntgoingtotheinaugaruldinner6:40 AM

    . (And gratefully any other and all the other member of your abysmal party )who lost so badly and are such a joke that ya'all didn't have enough votes to even wash dishes at the event.#lackofwinningvites-ism#

  59. Unlike the average you "Long Island Girl". Only way you could be more basic is if you were from Staten Island. Do is all favor-stay outta politics and go watch or try and get on the next season of the Bachelor,please.

  60. Mowbray8:19 AM

    Your country was never that great, though. Please, remember that before spouting more nonsense.

  61. Hot cola8:33 AM

    @Scandi Sanskrit,
    Nobody's looking at anything seriously any longer. The media has the attention span of a hyperactive flee and have trained all of us, our minds, to dedicate long minutes on nothing. It's a deliberate agenda.
    Not that im into conspiracy theories but why would smart people promote the dumbification of America? And The American People?
    Because it serves to divert attention from real & Important Issues.

  62. scallywag12:33 PM

    I'm sorry, but you can't even keep the lies straight.

  63. scallywag12:35 PM

    It's a fucking lie. Why would you believe it? Because you want to.

  64. scallywag12:37 PM

    No. His three daughters were Miss Golden Globes, for Pete's sake. It was a mix-up. It was straightened out. There are multiple people saying they saw Sly congratulating Casey Affleck after the show. Not everything in life is nefarious.

  65. BeenHereBefore12:53 PM

    Preach Hot Cola!


  66. marlo2:49 PM

    Long Island girl - The truth is hate for those who hate the truth.

  67. Chello3:27 PM

    Wow, if that's intelligent to you, I'd hate to see what passes for low brow.

  68. Chello3:31 PM

    Long Island Girl, you're right. We can't argue with crazy, because crazy always wins, haha! Anybody who has to stoop so low to make their point is a box short of all their crayons.

  69. Chello3:39 PM

    Marlo, it is really hard to hear what you're saying when you talk this way. Maybe you're in a lot of physical or emotional pain, that causes me to perceive people differently. When you say such awful stuff it really does make me believe the majority of Trump supporters are just like you.

  70. Chello3:41 PM

    Post some links, Matt.

  71. Long Island Girl5:03 PM

    Mkay, go fuck yourself. How 'bout them apples, sweets.

  72. Long Island Girl5:05 PM

    So utterly profound. You're a fucking idiot. Plain and simple.

  73. Long Island Girl5:07 PM

    Chello, they are. Water seeks it's own level.

  74. Long Island Girl5:10 PM

    I love normal. Thanks for chiming in, Chello.

  75. Long Island Girl5:12 PM

    @ Marlo's Grade 9 Teacher

  76. Long Island Girl5:17 PM

    You are ill informed and have your head up fox new's ass. Let's see your sources, loser.
    You are making up numbers and percentages just like every ass on fox does.
    I'm looking forward to you and your ilk's embarrassment in the near future.
    You've made your bed and will lie in it.

  77. Long Island Girl5:20 PM

    That made me chuckle!

  78. Long Island Girl5:25 PM

    Huh, you are an ass. Where are you from, pray tell? I do very well, thank you.
    I was speaking to 'Spectator'. Are you 'Spectator' and uncomfortable with speaking up for yourself?

  79. Long Island Girl5:28 PM

    Ethan Cohen, that's hilarious. You're fake name, that is.

  80. Ha! Yet another um, "high brow "/"high ground" intellectlually superior response from a dim, desperate dem.Tsk Tsk. Resorting to that says more about you than ANY one on here who disagrees with you .(Articulately I might add).I know it's a strain to understand.

  81. "Water seeks its own level " hmm you don't say?How enlightening. More like water becomes swampland and needs "be drained" which it will be very ,very soon.Like January 20thSoon!
    Happy Inauguration Week!

  82. marlo9:48 PM

    Long Island girl - "The truth is hate for those who hate the truth" is based on George Orwell's famous quote "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who say it"

    But who am I talking to? You don't even know the difference between your elbow and your arsehole, I have yet to read 1 single thing by you, that isn't some stereotypical hysterical lefty slogan or insult: waaaaaaaaaa waycist!! waaaaaaaa I hate you!!! waaaaaaaaa you're mean!!!

    That's all your ilk has. Your pathetic, laughable, ignorant, cretinous and totally unworthy of being taken seriously. You deserve ridicule, because all you know how to do is stick your fingers in your ears when reality serves you up something that disagrees with your delusional world view, it's called cognitive dissonance. Look it up, you might actually leaner something for once.

    Mkay is right: you are nothing but a common run of the mill, garden variety leftard: no insight, no debate, no knowledge, nothing.

    No wonder you get along well with Chello, the anti-capitalist who still hasn't' explained to me how a public servant is worth $200 million. He should move to Venezuela, wonderful socialist country: people only have to queue for 5 hours for 1 roll of toilet paper, there is famine and a murder every 3 minutes. An anti-capitalist paradise for turds such as yourself. You'd fit right in.

    Mkay - no worries, the drainage has begun, it's gonna be a very very VERY interesting year indeed.

    Regards from Brexit land.

  83. Regards marlo.
    You are spot on per usual. I await with abated breath to see all the change that is mercifully,about to begin. (As well as the Pavlovian,infantile attempt at a retort from the gallery of assorted nuts)though I imagine all they will continue to be able to muster is the ever "cerebrally impressive "and "tolerant "-"F*ck Off".
    How "progressive".

  84. Long Island Girl11:38 AM

    Are you serious? You are not above throwing nasty 'names' around.
    Marlo is the nastiest asshole I've seen in a very long time. Articulate? Hysterical. Freaking hysterical.
    If a comment is made with respect and intelligence, I'll treat it as such, whether I agree or not.
    On the very other hand, when someone uses 'retard', 'inbred', and countless derogatory and outright nasty terms, I'll respond in kind.
    I don't suffer bullies well.

  85. Long Island Girl11:40 AM

    It's 'bated' breath, you imbecile.

  86. Long Island Girl11:45 AM

    You are utterly delusional. Up those meds, Marlo.
    What I do find interesting is how you are fully unaware of how your words are pitifully laughed at.
    Oh, and just because you had to look up 'cognitive dissonance' doesn't mean anyone else has too. Like I said, arrogant and ignorant. I feel sorry for you.

  87. marlo6:46 PM

    Oh Long Island're not even smart enough to make up your own insults, you utter loser LOL

  88. Long Island Girl3:53 PM

    The only insult is you. Ta ta, Marlo. Wallow your misery.
