Thursday, January 12, 2017

Child Welfare Services Investigating Robin Thicke

Lost in the Alan Thicke death was the fact that Paula Patton was barred from the funeral. I don't think she wanted to attend, but Robin Thicke made it clear to everyone that Paula was not welcome. Considering all the moves Alan made on Paula, this is probably not that surprising. Anyway, Paula filed some motions which have since been denied to strip Robin of joint custody and to order drug tests. Although her motions were denied, Robin is being investigated by child protective services over accusations made by their 6 year old son to his other and to school officials that Robin spanks and punches him. Robin says he only open hands spanks his son. Paula also says tthat Robin still isn't sober and is frequently on drugs and drunk around their son.


  1. Not trying to be stupid, but this picture of Paul, she has no underwear on and her privates are on full display.

  2. nancer11:22 PM

    i think what you're seeing is thighs together. that's all.

  3. Miss b11:31 PM

    Those are her thighs.

  4. Yeah just tights. Put your glasses on mate cos you ARE making yourself sound stupid.

  5. Yeah just thights. Put your glasses on mate cos you ARE making yourself sound stupid.

  6. Salaam11:34 PM

    Nothing blurred about those lines.

  7. Joel Theriot11:42 PM

    She is so pretty.

  8. Having raised to children to adulthood, a boy and girl, my wife and I never "spanked" our children. There never was any need to.
    Even though I was spanked (a lot while growing up), that was/still is the mind set of (most) parents.
    Usually, fussy children are just trying to communicate something they are unable to -- and it comes out as crying, acting up, or some other form of action/reaction.
    We found that if you manage/listen to the child and read their actions/reactions, the reason for the "fussiness" will come to light.
    And once that is known, you are able to correct the situation, thus change the behavior of the child without ever having to raise a hand to hit a child.
    If you are a "child must be seen and NOT heard" person, okay. Just don't have children.

  9. Buffy3:44 AM

    Robin Thicke sounds like a douche. I'm glad she left him. This is his karma for that disgusting rapey video and song he put out a few years ago.

  10. Like father, like son, apparently

  11. Wendy6:12 AM

    lol, no, no they arent.

  12. Zilla110:21 AM

    She sounds vindictive. The fact that her previous attempts to limit his custody were denied speaks to that.

  13. Sydney1:49 PM

    It looks like she has the biggest vajay ever!

  14. marlo9:06 PM

    I know it's not her punani, but bloody hell, what an unfortunate angle...
