Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Your Turn

I think I have done this before, but I find it fascinating. How many times have you moved in your life?



  1. sandybrook2:05 AM

    6--most of them before I was nine.

  2. GoTrollUrSelf2:05 AM


  3. Rando2:27 AM

    3 times. About to "runaway" and do a 4th when i find the place...

    I need a fucking sugar daddy D; lol

  4. Laura Ramona2:27 AM

    Can t count. Too many countries x 4 cities each or 5 = around 24. I suffer ptsd from moving lol

  5. AndrewBW2:39 AM

    Three times. Toledo > NYC > Cleveland > Cleveland

  6. I was going to say I lost count; then I counted the ones I remember, and it is 16.

    My wife, on the other hand, being an Air Force Dependent, 'too many times' she said a long time ago.

  7. BitchieMitchie7:22 AM

    30!!! Geevus! That's a lot. Never really sat down and counted before. No not military parents had a very unstable marriage with a lot of back and fourth between states and mom liked moving around.

  8. parkdove8:11 AM

    10 Washington DC, Arlington, VA, Alexandria VA, Capecod, Germany, San Antonio, Denver, Los Angeles, back to Denver, Houston, Atlanta. I want to move again.

  9. Jeannie9:13 AM

    31 times. It's traumatizing to never have a stable home.

  10. Scandi Sanskrit10:09 AM

    But I've moved so much since I was too young to remember? Let's see:

    1. My city of birth
    2. My grandparents' town
    3. America (I think I may have moved a bunch between #1 and #2 before this happened)
    4. My grandparents' town
    5. Rented house in the capital city
    6. House near the military airbase
    7. Lived in Europe for grad school
    8. House near the military airbase
    9. Apartment on embassies' strip during house renovation
    10. House near the military airbase
    11. Apartment near play venue (from tech week to end of play run, and then some in-office work)
    12. House near the military airbase

    I feel like I've forgotten something. LOL.

    Why does it fascinate you, Enty?

  11. Nine, I think. Plus however many times I drifted in and out of my parents' house before I finally got my shit together. I lived in my family home for the first 18 years of my life and we've been here for over 15 years now...which means a whole lot of moves in a relatively short period of time.

  12. Hot Cola11:41 AM

    A lot... A lot A lot.
    Cities, countries, continents..
    Apartments, houses, 3 permenant contries of living, boarding schools when teenager, now 7 years in one place.

    I think its stressful but also, our parents gave us the feeling of a warm home everywhere we went so it became kind of this permanent feeling inside.. Stability.

    And I've always lived in nice places, even when I was broke and it was the low end.. It were the nice places of the low end...

    It is tiering though. I may consider buying a house soon. In this decade. But than will rented it and travel...

  13. Hot Cola11:44 AM

    ( I didn't mean rich or fancy places, just nice with the energy, and inspiring, and with flowers)

  14. I knew it was many, but had never counted. 20 moves across 3 provinces. Was shocked that so many of you had such high numbers too.

  15. Fireflies1:07 PM

    12 - All since age 18.

  16. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)5:51 PM

    18 times but all within a 50 mile radius.

  17. TabuHax4:58 AM

    18 - I'm an Army Brat. 13 as a kid, 5 as an adult
