Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Your Turn

Do you believe in global warming?


  1. sandybrook2:06 AM

    I believe in scientific data that can be backed up with research and statistics.

  2. Yes. Of course the world's climate is warming!
    If you don't believe, then I suggest you go to Beijing for a week.

  3. What he said

  4. Yes, yes I do indeed believe in science.

  5. Lurky McLurkster2:24 AM

    Yes but I believe the Earth would get to the same end result (whatever that may be) without our help. It is part of the natural flow of nature and our actions will only speed up the meeting of the end result by a minuscule amount on the Earth's overall timeline.

  6. Just to add, I'm in Australia, and I'm in for a scorcher tomorrow. I just have to walk outside to feel how much hotter it is now than years ago. Of course global warming is real, only people in a colder climate where warming is a pleasant thing would say otherwise.

  7. According to science, we are in the middle of an intermittent warm period of the ice age that started more than 2 million years ago. We know from science that there are cyclical worldwide climate changes. I'm sure humans have contributed. I'm not sure why those in the scientific community insist on pretending this discussion isn't against the backdrop of the cyclical ice ages. The two go together.

  8. AndrewBW2:39 AM

    Yep. All you need to do is look at comparative photographs of the arctic and anatarctic regions to see what a massive change there's been. But of course Trump and the Republicans would just swear it's an elitist conspiracy and offer up "alternative facts."

  9. fuck off, enty

  10. Emmaf2:48 AM

    Climate change and science are real. Ffs. "Believe? "

    This isn't the fucking tooth fairy.

  11. saras3:00 AM

    I fear for the science community at large during this new alternative facts administration! Gag orders and shutdowns of vital information that our American farmers look at for planting information and so many other safety warning systems are at risk. When scientists were hustling before the election to copy information people thought it seemed paranoid. Not anymore in this era of new truths. Dictatorship 101

  12. marlo3:05 AM


  13. The term "Global Warming" is incorrect and inaccurate; "Climate Change" is what the scientific community refers to it as. And yes, there is scientific date (nonpartisan, purely factual) to back this up.

  14. Elise3:27 AM

    I agree with Rafe and Lurky McLurkster to a point...I'm just not convinced that humans have contributed to whatever cyclical warming is taking place and find the "science" supporting claims that man is causing global warming to be very shaky.

  15. Something Fishy3:57 AM

    Why are facts and scientific data up for discussion? Why is this a thing now?

    And, climate change deniers: if you're wrong, you're REALLY wrong. If we're wrong, we have less impact on our environment. Just stop shitting where you eat, how 'bout that?

  16. I am not a scientist, but what I do know is that for years I've lived in a certain type of climate and that climate has changed significantly in the last 10 years.

  17. Alistdiva4:10 AM

    I live in PA, and we've had a few 60 degree days last & this month, then its 30 some degrees a day or two later! GW doesn't exist though according to the right wing :-/

  18. saras4:11 AM

    I fear for the science community at large during this time of alternative facts /shutdowns/ gag orders. The government provides vital facts to farmers and warning systems. You can't just guess or make up numbers there is too much at stake. People don't think the scientists are too paranoid now for making copies of data now!

  19. Since the Industrial Revolution began around 1750, human activities have contributed substantially to climate change by adding CO2 and other heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere.

  20. James4:49 AM

    Nah the whole sounds fictitious

  21. Sounds doesn't equal is.

  22. Wendy6:40 AM

    Yes, there is nothing to believe. It is real.

    Yes, the earth always goes through changes, but industrialization has sped up that process, you can't deny that. Just look at the rate of carbon dioxide levels since industrialization.

    Look at this graph:

    You have to be able to see that there has been a massive spike since the early 1900's. It has never been this high before.

    And one thing I don't get, is why people are against protecting our environment? Climate Change or not, shouldn't we want a better planet for everyone?

  23. Wendy6:42 AM

    It's not a coincidence that since industrialization the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen to levels it has never been before.

  24. nancer7:09 AM

    whether you believe in it or not doesn't change the FACT that it's happening and it's real.

  25. That's a bizarre conclusion. I'm in Canada, and the warming IS pleasant, but it's still real.

  26. Kimberlini9:10 AM

    Science is not a belief system. Climate warming is real, it's a fact.

  27. GoTrollUrSelf9:46 AM

    Jesus Christ, what an asinine question. SCIENCE and "belief" don't belong in the same conversation, ffs. This is the stupidest thing I've seen posted here and I've been reading if not commenting for a few years.
    Disgusting, ludicrous, insulting, click bait bullshit. Low, scummy trash. Really, really bottom of the barrel., asshole.

  28. parkdove110:03 AM

    I believe in climate change but tired of hypocrites like Leo D and Al Gore who jet around in private planes, on yachts, have big homes, etc. Apparently environmentally correct living is only for us little people. Oh and this provides another excuse to tax us some more.

  29. spiffypaws1:38 PM

    Yes! Even the Queen of England has noticed it

  30. spiffypaws1:40 PM

    science is not a liberal conspiracy you troll

  31. Climate change doesn't GAF what you think.

  32. cebii8:31 PM

    Spring is coming about two weeks earlier than it did when I was a child, and, where we used to have highs in the low 70's on non-coldfront days in the winter here, now they often hit the low 80's. Add these obvious changes to the huge base of scientific fact, I'd have to say yes.

  33. Scandi Sanskrit9:07 PM

    Well, I have to, don't I? Has anyone noticed how you can't really tell what season it is anymore? We used to be able to rely on the knowledge that "it's dry season month", "it's rainy/Monsoon time". Now it just gets hot and dry when it's not supposed to, or it fucking floods all over the place.

    And even if I didn't notice the weird weather patterns and "climate change" wasn't real, we've still got other environmental issues to worry about. I've seen firsthand what the Southeast Asian rain forests looks like now from when I worked there. Dude... Those poor animals. You know why the giant cats of Sumatra maul humans? Because we don't stay in our lanes. We started this war with the environment/wildlife. Everyone needs to stay in their fucking lanes, TBH. In every avenue of life.

    You know what isn't real, though? Populism. It's just an illusion, the second a "populist" leader is sworn in, he/she is a member of the elite. And he is already on his way into becoming the Establishment. A One Percenter running for office claiming to be 'populist' doesn't really care about the people—if he did, he'd just set-up a foundation and donate to non-profits! Now why hasn't Trump just pulled a Bill Gates move? Hm... Curious.

    Now the 2nd biggest emitter has a climate change denier as polluter-in-chief and developing countries' forests have to bear the burden? Fuck off.

  34. Scandi Sanskrit9:09 PM

    If there's any conspiracy, it's an oil company conspiracy. Just sayin'.

  35. Scandi Sanskrit9:13 PM

    I still don't think it's supposed to heat up this fast within the span of a single century, tho... This is not normal at all.

  36. Jennifer1:32 AM

    Of course it's real. It's not supposed to be 62 degrees in January. It's supposed to be 12 degrees with a foot of snow on the ground.
