Thursday, January 26, 2017

Your Turn

When is the last time you went to a circus?


  1. Anna From Savannah2:08 AM

    1947! First and last time. Ringling Brothers Circus was a YUGE deal back then. Especially if you were from a small Southern town. My parents thought they were giving me a real treat, god bless them. Even as a pre-schooler, I was super sensitive to the feelings of the animals. As soon as they started parading into the auditorium I could sense they were dirty, unkempt and lonely. I still remember the tears. Then came the sobs. My parents quickly departed with me in tow, never to return to a circus ever. So glad they are FINALLY going to close down.

  2. sandybrook2:10 AM

    I think I went to one when I was 4.

  3. Marianne2:11 AM

    When I was about 12 yrs old before I found out about the treatment and abuse of the animals...then after that my friends and I would make signs and protest in the parking lot.

  4. A long, long time ago when Cirque du Soleil was fairly new at the former Treasure island Hotel Casino.
    Good show though!

  5. Ettacettera2:15 AM

    Never. Did everyone know Miguel Ferrer died last week? I don't think I saw a thing about it.

  6. Lurky McLurkster2:18 AM

    Every time I step foot inside my office

  7. Sexual Chocolate2:19 AM

    2 years ago, I love the circus great time

  8. AndrewBW2:26 AM

    @Lurky Been there.

  9. AndrewBW2:28 AM

    I saw Ringling Brothers at Madison Square Garden probably about 1990. I liked the circus as a kid, but this was pretty tired. I saw the Big Apple Circus at Lincoln Center probably around 1995, and it was somewhat better because it was less about the animals. But still nothing special.

  10. Just4Fun2:29 AM

    I actually worked for one for about 5 years in the mid-80s. Since then, I think the only one I have seen was the Big Apple Circus in the early 90s.

  11. And-so-on..3:05 AM

    Two years ago.. fun fun with the grand kids..

  12. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crawley3:12 AM

    Wolf Blitzer and I went in the 80s. We had so much fun until Wolf remembered he was allergic to peanuts. The young child sitting next to us kept asking if Wolf's face was part of the show.

  13. Count Jerkula3:42 AM

    I took my son to Ringling Bros 3yrs ago and last year. 3yrs ago, the mental PETA broads were out front, screaming like the estrogen fueled loons they are. One of em tried handing a pamphlet to my 6?y/o son. I loudly said, "No, ______, stay away from the crazy lady." A few of the other parents walking in laughed. The next loon started to say something to me, and I eyeballed her hard enough that she stopped mid sentence.

    My kid, who didn't want to go at first, was amazed as soon as he sat down. The size of the elephants, the lil midget running around, the high wire motorcycle that was right above our heads. It was a great time.

    Last year the show was in obvious decline w/o the elephants. Not much of a crowd, relied a lot on song & dance, nothing to really captivate. Far cry from the unicorn I saw at MSG in the 80s.

  14. marlo3:47 AM

    Does Cirque de Soleil count? If not, decades ago, when I was a kid.

  15. AtlLady7:37 AM

    My Dad loved the circus but my Mom hated it. It was in the early 70s the last time we went. Dad bought 4 tickets so my fiancee could come as well. Dad and future hubby kept swapping the binoculars and had quite the discussion about the carpet not matching the drapes of most of the girls who performed on the aerial rope act. Remember, this was the early 70s when grooming was not a thing.

  16. HH3149:34 AM

    Ringling Bros several years ago. Loved it

  17. parkdove10:57 AM

    In the 1960s when I was a little girl.

  18. Hortensia11:59 AM

    I was a terrible teenager. We sat up in the higher seats, and poured our popcorn down on the seats below. I'm glad the animals are finally getting a rest. The B&B facility in Baraboo, Wisconsin is a disgrace to the dignity and well being of elephants.

  19. Scandi Sanskrit12:32 PM

    Today. I thought this blog was the circus?

  20. Scandi Sanskrit12:35 PM

    I'm sorry it made you sad. I went once as a child (can't remember if my parents took me, or if it was a school trip). I don't remember feeling anything at all, or how I felt if anything.

  21. GroovieMann1:31 AM

    Once when I was about 5. I'd never take my kids - so glad the animal slavery show is finally shut down.
