Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Your Turn

Do you have a work spouse?


  1. Tricia132:01 AM

    No , but having a spouse is sure work!

  2. Straight outta aa2:07 AM

    Yes. @ Tricia, the secret is to get a job!

  3. Derek Harvey2:08 AM

    Yup-4 guys and I'm the gay--and yes half of them are HOT. But they are just NOT into me...

  4. Derek Harvey2:10 AM

    Well as a WORKING person--I will throw my hat off in the air and TWIRL like Mary Tyler Moore style and just wait for the trolls to attack or blame me for something I didn;t do...

  5. Bodacious Ta-tas2:23 AM

    Yes, a real spouse and work one, too.

    Currently, work spouse is my boss and same thing from 2 jobs ago, but this can easily happen when you're his assistant!

    Nothing inappropriate going on though: all above board.

  6. I have a work husband and a work wife...luckily no work kids or I'd have to quit!

  7. Danielle2:41 AM

    l would have said same thing if you didn't first lmfao!

  8. cebii3:16 AM

    I have a work son. He's just a couple of years older than my oldest kid. He runs errands and keeps me up to date on tech innovations.

  9. Laura Ramona3:54 AM

    All 2 or 3 ex spouses worked. :)))

  10. El Prez4:07 AM

    I did have a work spouse, she left the company after I shagged her about 30 times, so I have an ex work spouse.

  11. Hot Cola4:22 AM

    That's cool @cebii

  12. Hot Cola4:22 AM

    I think he would like to be my work spouse, but I keep him at bay.

  13. Have a work husband and his wife hates me!

  14. I don't work in an office now, but I have had work husbands. Actually, my husband and I both work from home now so I guess I DO have a work husband!

  15. Hortensia8:52 AM

    No, but I was a work mother. I protected him from the naughty students, and mean teachers. He was a sweet wonderful music teacher.

  16. Scandi Sanskrit10:49 AM

    There's a guy who's played my husband/long-term, live-in boyfriend thrice (in films and stageplays). It makes for a cute actors' anecdote. I call his husband my "husband in-law". LOL.

    I don't have any at my part-time office job because I work-from-home.

  17. Derek's Dad1:05 PM

    Where you working at
    ? AS IF
    - you here all spewing nonsense all day doing drugs and up to no good as usual. Don't you have a march to be on---with a vagina on your head to replace to dick you don't have? You're not a feminist crusader ,you're a REAL woman hating misfit. ...but aim aim high lowlife.
    #cant get worse thanyourownrealitydereck#
