Friday, January 06, 2017

Your Turn

Did you go to your high school prom, and if you did, was it with the person you wanted to go with?


  1. Yes and yes.

    She was in my homeroom and sat right next to me.
    We used to talk a lot and i knew she felt as invalidated by the other students as I did.
    One day, about a week or so before the prom, we were talking and I just asked if she had been asked to the prom. She said no.
    I asked if she wanted to go with me, she said yes.
    We had such a great time.

  2. sandybrook2:10 AM

    We didn't want a prom.

  3. Rocky2:11 AM

    I went, but I went with my friend's boyfriend ( she offered ) a divorced dad of 3 kids.
    I had a very strict father who essentially had me on lockdown cause he was a cop.
    I couldn't do anything fun like the other teens and he couldnt veto my prom without a fight with my mother.

  4. Hothotheat2:27 AM

    No and never regretted it.

  5. Brooklyn Girl2:37 AM

    Yes. I wanted to go in the worst way. I wasn't dating anyone, and all my close guy friends were asked by my other girlfriends to go with them. So, one of my girlfriends suggested I ask this guy that she liked and I did. Up until the day, he told me he rented a tux, ordered flowers, and wanted to chip in for the limo, etc. the day of the prom, I got dressed, my Mom & older sister took photos of me and the limo and my friends who were going with me, and the guy never showed up, just to be mean to me, for spite. My sisters husband insisted he go with me, and everyone knew what happened, and I cried all night, and felt like a freak. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and I'm still sad when I think of it.

  6. And-so-on..2:41 AM

    Yes and I married him.. hah

  7. abacus3:01 AM

    I married my prom date too ;)

  8. AndrewBW3:05 AM

    @Brooklyn I'm sorry to hear that. That was a crappy thing to do. I know how long those memories can linger. Feel better.

  9. AndrewBW3:05 AM

    Good God no. What a bunch of tools.

  10. saras3:13 AM

    I went with crush friend and we went with another couple in the same boat. It was fun! I think we all hooked up with our crushes to some degree a few months after. Lol.

  11. No, but had a junior dance promenade thing and we danced in it together.
    Laughing had a great time he wished he would have asked me. Three years ago he found out my husband and i divorced, he this time didnt wait. We married six months later. 27 years after we danced, we have never been more in love with each other.

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob3:50 AM

    We had a prom, but everybody went by themselves.
    I ended the night (at 10 a.m.) kissing a bottle of whiskey. It was a good night for a 17 y.o.

  13. SarahS4:24 AM

    Yes, sigh. Twice. Both with my COUSIN, who also knew my friends, but was already graduated at that point. Wait. Was it twice or once? I don't even remember. I know that I wore a baby blue vintage gown and cape, and then later my friends and I went and got wasted. Actually, wait. Yeah, I did go twice because they tried to kick me out of prom because I fell drunkenly out of my limo door.

  14. txredhd5:24 AM

    Yes, I went. It was with a female co-worker. I was totes in the closet gay but coming from a small town in Nebraska in the early 80's, not quite ready to come out. We had fun though (I think) I was drunk and stoned so maybe not!

  15. Shorny5:46 AM

    Late 80s. Hell no. It's the only time I bearded. My boyfriend at the time picked our best female friend, and I got stuck with someone who just needed a date to get in. The days after, my family was abuzz with scandal because she is black, something that never occurred to me at all because I was too preoccupied with being in the closet. I couldn't believe that people in my own family were concerned with me because of her race. Totally shocking to me at the time. So I was actually really happy that I had unwittingly rocked the boat. Within a few years, I would sink the boat, coming out fully.

  16. Phyllis Whitweed6:02 AM

    So my bff's bf was home on leave from basic training and she was so excited he could take her. I went with one of his friends I didn't know. The bf tried to make out with me two nights before prom. So I told her. She had spent all this money and wanted her damn prom so she made him, and his friend, take us anyway. Horrible, horrible night. Btw, she had also told all our friends what happened. So no one would even look at either guy. My bff proceeded to dance with a different guy every song. The real loser was my date, cuz he was a really nice guy but had to stand up for his a tux, buy dinner etc.

  17. Yes and no. I'm from back in the day when you would get killed.

  18. Yes, I went to about 4 proms. I was on prom court my senior year but lost lol. 3 times I just went with guy friends and my last prom I went with my boyfriend at the time. I loved all of them lol but I love to dance.

  19. I married my grad (prom) date too, but *eventually* sanity prevailed and I divorced his useless ass four years later.

  20. parkdove12:14 PM

    Yes and yes. I went with my BF but we did not get married. Later on he got addicted to crack which is sad because he had so much going for him. Anyway the prom was fun.

  21. it took forever8:37 PM

    SHORNY, you make me laugh so hard... sink the boat. You were way ahead of your time man.
