Thursday, February 09, 2017

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor has been laundering money for this A+ list mostly movie actor and his shady friends.


  1. sandybrook3:03 AM

    Leo and his bond traders who made his Oscar winner and maybe Javier Bardem?

  2. Tricia133:08 AM

    Leo D /Tom Hardy I think sandyman

  3. sandybrook3:12 AM

    Leo for sure...Hardy certainly has his shady side.

  4. Tricia133:17 AM

    Yes he is sorta unsavory (imo) but he just hung with Leo's love-I mean bestie-Lukas

  5. Anna From Savannah3:33 AM

    Tom Hardy is a married man with kids. He would never do anything to jeopardize his career and marriage. Let's dig someone else up, shall we? Speaking of shady people, Lohan is back in NYC and was seen dining with a Turkish billionaire last night. Hmm. Interesting.

  6. Shorny3:45 AM

    Married with kids is not sufficient evidence for disproving a shady character, though you may still be right about him.

  7. Tricia133:52 AM

    Shorney straight up correct.Im more inclined to think this is baloney or veeeeery exaggerated,but Hardy was a crack head with a bad drug past of hustling (Jason Strataim as well)- so there's that.

  8. Trina LaVina4:48 AM

    Definitely Leo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy. And Anna, Tom is hardly a saint. In fact, his shady behavior is epic and his willingness to do "favors" for others is the only reason he still has a career. Seriously, keep digging Enty, this is only the surface.

  9. Smash4:49 AM

    Holy shhh how do you even launder money??

  10. GoTrollUrSelf6:06 AM

    @Smash in cold water on delicate. No spin cycle, it damages the fibers.
    Steam on low when dry if needed.

  11. yeap. Tom is reportedly having some financial issues with his production company. the DFail has the details

  12. Tricia136:56 AM

    ^internet broken today ...... classic

  13. CheeseFries7:15 AM

    Hardy and Leo. Has anyone watched his show, Taboo? Not doing it for me, although I'm normally a fan.

  14. Phyllis Whitweed7:18 AM

    Laundering is usually done these days with overpricing artworks, since there's really no way for a judge to rule whether a piece should be $1000 or $2.5mil.

  15. Abacus7:56 AM

    I am extremely interested in Tom's shady behavior...

  16. Scandi Sanskrit9:16 AM

    LOL. This is so true... Just the other day I was drawing stickers (for personal use, not for sale) and I thought to myself, "if my health gets worse and I can't draw straight 0.00005mm lines anymore, I can sell the shaky lines as the centrepiece of my drawings, dub it 'Neuropathy Art', like draw a straight freestyle line and claim it's a 'lifeline', and some pretentious hipster's still going to buy it for like a billion dollars because it's 'edgy' like that." Worthless.

  17. information desk9:35 AM

    I would love to know more about hardy favors for work his show taboo is a bomb and he needs his peaky blinders check no matter how small
    Wonder if he and Cillian hook up bc they work together a lot and Cillian is very private about personal life

  18. marlo5:49 PM

    smash - you create a company that takes mainly cash, but that really does not produce anything, and still makes profit. It can be done with everything, restaurants are very popular, because you can cheat the books so easily.
    Retail shops, businesses that provide service (from talent agencies, producing agencies, down to spas, beauty, hair, etc).
    Also creating products, putting money into them, while actually keeping them cheap, then claiming large sales, while dumping them somewhere for insane discounts, also works.

    As long as it generates some cash, while not easily verifiable, it can launder money.

    Art works are much harder to launder money with, than conventional businesses, because the whole point of money laundering, is to GET money back, not HIDE it; with art it'll be hard to re-sell something overpaid . Who is gonna buy a painting worth $20,000 for $3 million? Nobody. Art is great for hiding assets.

  19. longtimereader2:20 AM

    Admitted gay dalliances in the past, now 'straight' for hollywood. Reputation as a douchebag.

  20. Clarisse McClellan9:11 AM

    Oprah just sold a painting for $150mil...
