Monday, February 06, 2017

Blind Item #11

I think it has just been within the past couple of months that I wrote about the behavior of this actor. Mostly movie. Was in that eating franchise. Has not done much since. When last we wrote about the B lister he was out of control with his drinking. It actually has become worse. Now he isn't showering or changing clothes much. When the whole town starts talking about your problem and the way you were at a very public event this past week, it is tough to get work. cc: Lindsay Lohan


  1. Tricia134:12 AM

    Josh Hutcherson/Hunger Games?

  2. Liam Hems?

  3. elle b4:59 AM

    eating franchise? is that a spelling error?

  4. hunter5:02 AM

    Josh Hutcherson/Hunger Games

  5. GoTrollUrSelf5:42 AM

    I hate that cc: thing on twitter, think it's juvenile.

  6. Fireflies11:52 AM

    Maybe someone from American Pie?

  7. Can't be Josh... He was in Madrid with Claudia this week and has 4/5 projects lined up or finished.

  8. Bookjacket3:55 PM

    I agree. He should use "cf." Or "to whit," or even "viz." Pretending to copy something to someone outside the audience is very childish. His rhetorical devices should be addressed to us. And I'm sure that with a law degree, he has as many or more footnote devices at his fingertips as you or I do.

  9. shakey11:03 PM

    Depression does that to you.

  10. Josh H was at some spanish after party in Madrid, he looked horrible, hair all stringy and his face bloated, this is about him, Liam looks pretty good these days.

  11. I do believe you are one of those 2 closh stans. You act like people know who Claudia is, lmao. Josh looked horrible in those fan pics. Sorry boo, he's hitting the bottle, can't stand being with the beard any longer.

  12. Shellie12:43 AM

    DEFINITELY Josh Hutcherson. He was super drunk at a basketball game recently. And he showed up at the Spanish Goyas looking like a drunk greasy mess. It's sad because he wasted all his potential.

  13. GoldLasso1:00 AM

    Part of the split down the middle confusion is Enty has created a muddled hybrid situation here.

    Josh Hutcherson does have an affinity to drinking. However, he was not in town recently. As someone else noted he was overseas. And he does not have a problem getting hired as he has a string of projects lined up.

    Liam Hemsworth does have a problem getting hired. A well known, significant one. And he does like to drink (as all Australians do). However, his problem in getting hired is that he is immature, not serious about his craft, no executive wants to be associated with Miley and her "brand" (even Woody Allen said she was a major risk in casting her), and most importantly the negative PR fallout from Liam's weed themed birthday party. He did have something major in the works but once studios saw the party photos that went away quickly and just highlighted, further, the first three problems.

  14. Dalia2:08 AM

    It's definitely Josh Hutcherson. He has been seen lately in many parties and has been seen drunk and dirty. Almost has not made any project and is spent playing poker. A few days ago he was seen in Madrid and looked like a vagabond, greasy hair and poorly dressed. In addition, in the Goyas he was drunk.

  15. Lindsay12:11 PM

    It can't be Liam if this is referred to THG franchise, because even if Josh has filmed some really small projects since Mj2 nothing has been released yet, so is like he has done nothing, unlike Liam that recently had Independence Day promotion around the world and a movie with Woody and his good looks make him very cast-able, poor josh has it a little harder because he has that look that can't play grown men yet but he can't keep playing a teen. Plus, Josh just arrived in Spain like five days ago, weekend before he was in US and all he does is party, play poker and look like a slob.

  16. ReLindsay10:20 PM

    Time to fact check, Lindsay. 1) Josh's films might be indie but they are steady and not "small." One was directed by James Franco. 2) Liam very cast-able? (Which isn't even a word). Sure. Which is why he hasn't worked in going now past a year and a half. Being pretty won't get you a job in an endless pool of pretty. 3) Liam's so called "Woody" film was another indie film, called Duel. It was actually shelved and filmed before Independence Day Resurgence. 4) What worldwide promotion of Independence Day Resurgence? FOX scrapped the majority of it when it started to track horribly and then, predictably, bombed at the box office.

  17. It's Josh Hutcherson. He's been partying lately and he's become addicted to playing poker. He has also been seen drunk on many occasions in public and private events. Their projects are not the big thing and last year did nothing. It's definitely Josh Hutcherson.
