Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Blind Item #11

This A-/B+ list alliteration actress is so full of crap. I hate hate hate when actresses tell an interviewer they don't worry about what they eat or they are naturally thin. F**k that. Especially this particular actress on a hit almost television show. She eats about once a week and chews Nicorette when she is not chain smoking. That is how she stays thin. So, yeah, I guess technically if you never eat there is no need for a diet or exercise.


  1. Tricia133:33 AM

    Ruby Rose

  2. Tricia133:37 AM

    She's not on on OITNB anymore don't think--
    Michelle Monaghan-The Path?

  3. It's Michelle. Did an interview where she doesn't believe in diets. She's bone thin!

  4. sandybrook3:46 AM

    Entern! such language?

  5. GoTrollUrSelf3:51 AM

    Caffeine pills are also good.

  6. Tricia133:54 AM

    She is super thin I noticedd- I'm not for/against diets whatever works for the person-- but the BS aspect is pretty "unappetizing " lol

  7. mariaj4:02 AM

    I hate it, too...just stay silent
    but don't tell bs.

  8. RenShaw4:02 AM

    Every time I read about these actors and their air diet, I always think of Kate Moss' indelible comment. But this fits just about all actresses.

  9. I noticed how thin she was even in True Detective. It ages her.

  10. AMartel4:11 AM

    Don't worry. Nobody believes them when they do this.

  11. French girl4:21 AM

    She is not full of crap.She Is anorexic and like many anorexic persons she is in denial.It is a mental issue and

  12. French girl4:32 AM

    Another point: Michelle M is too fit to be just anorexic.She does exercising

  13. Wendy4:48 AM

    It makes me sad for them because food is so good. They have to be so miserable.

  14. Don't forget about personal chefs, lipo and cool sculpt, cocaine and adderall and bulimia/anorexia. That's how these Hollywood hypocrites stay 'in shape '.

  15. HH3145:52 AM

    I miss smoking, was never hungry and ate like 3 crackers per day. Now I can't stop shoveling food into my piehole

  16. Pablo7:11 AM

    She doesn't believe in diets, she believes in coke.

  17. Guesser7:25 AM

    @sandybrook, remember,Enty is dieting now, so he will be grumpy when talking about diets and exercise. A lot harder when you're middle aged.

  18. sandybrook8:43 AM

    God help us all if he smokes and ever decides to stop then guesser! ?

  19. sandybrook8:44 AM

    Duh I forgot he hates smokers now!

  20. Mandy Moore

  21. Hortensia10:18 AM

    Smoking was good--go outside for a few puffs on an AmericanSpirit, put it out, go back in. Slender. Quit smoking, gain 30#.
    How about that Melania Trump. I bet Trumpster makes her get on a scale once a week, if not daily.
