Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Blind Item #2

Do you think this A list mogul knows his foreign born A list celebrity girlfriend was hooking up with guys right and left before they started hooking up? I think she might be Mariah Careying him. If there is another guy, she seems to be hiding him well.


  1. Tricia1310:47 PM

    Evan Spiegel/Miranda Kerr?

  2. HH3141:45 AM

    This blind is stupid. Who cares what she was doing before they got together. And if you're implying Miranda would in any way jeopardize her future paychecks by cheating on him before the wedding, you don't know golddiggers

  3. GoTrollUrSelf4:44 AM

    Exactly! She has a child - did Enty think she was pretending to be a virgin? He's such a cranky little putz.

  4. stacey6:49 AM

    Well, Miranda did try to get Packer to marry her. If Spiegel is idiotic enough to fall for her lies, then whatever.

  5. I'm having a hard time seeing Miranda as A list.
