Saturday, February 18, 2017

Blind Item #4

The long spiral down to the bottom of the entertainment ladder is within sight for this former A list tweener star from a singing family. The drugs and booze combined with being a closeted homophobic racist are just finishing off his career which had a chance to be great.


  1. sandybrook2:29 AM

    Aaron Carter got attacked for something he said onstage last night.

  2. poopmeister2:45 AM

    OTS: When HollywoodLife goes more than a few days without a fake Mylie Cyrus item you know it's over! Can't generate any gossip with her gay boyfriend anymore. Yayyy!

  3. CheeseFries3:51 AM

    Aaron Carter is a great guess. His life seems sad.

  4. whereisthedove4:18 AM

    definitely aaron carter.

    also to @poopmeister, miley's liam isnt gay - bc he is cheating on her with his malibu neighbor! everytime you see him in a surfing pic, it means he's boning that chick that day

  5. Sd auntie4:33 AM

    @where is the dove. No kidding. There are several regular posters who claim everyone and their mother is gay. Information desk seems to say it in every post. Sounds like an obsession. I just ignore their wannabe comments.

  6. Guesser4:49 AM

    Aaron Carter started spiraling downward almost from the start. He never had a chance to be great, his fame was based on his looks mostly, and the drugs took care of that. And then there was that alleged incident that happened when he was 15, he was never the same. Bigger stars have said much worse things, and it doesn't hurt them a bit.

  7. GoTrollIrSelf5:14 AM

    Carter's been on a what? 10 year downward spiral? C'mon, now.

  8. texasrose5:28 AM

    Not really much of a chance to be great. More like the guy in Dumb and Dumber - one in a million chance but you're saying I have a chance.

  9. Man, I remember seeing his episode of Cribs a loooong time ago and being jealous that at 15 he had his own house right on the beach and rode around the property on some ATVs.

    What a fall he took. Guess that place got foreclosed many years ago...

  10. poopmeister8:23 AM

    You earned your paycheck this week! Hollywood 101 for closeted actors/actresses. Have your publicist drop a quote in NE or an on-line gossip site telling the world you're banging some chick in Malibu. All these weeks later there is still no pic. Maybe the huge storm you're going through will wash Malibu away. Then we won't have to read fake news about these bottom feeders anymore.

  11. Brian8:35 AM

    Did Aaron Carter's career really ever have a chance to be great? Getting your start in music before you've even got pubes tends to be a hinderance if your name isn't Michael Jackson.

  12. Bobbi Newhart9:33 AM

    Aaron Carter?! Really?! The blind says the person's career could have been great. Aaron was never in the "could have been great" category. LMAO people

  13. longtimereader1:51 AM

    There are some ugly stories about what happened to him when younger. In the 'passed around' sense.

  14. Mr. Farley3:31 AM

    The bigger the ego when they're on top the harder the fall to obscurity.

  15. Agree so sad. Amazing how Hollywood phonies like Streep will cheer on the molesters like Willis and Woody Allen, the assaulters like Afleck, and calls those who wouldn't support a rapist enabler "brown shirts". Tell that to the young teen who feel to his death running from Clooney villa in Italy

    Hollywood- the pedophiles rule and children are currency - when Meryl comes out on that, then she will have guts - the hypocrites while new children are being " cartered" every day- ask Dan Schneider or Brittany Spears sister, or Bryan Singer.. the list is endless
