Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blind Item #5

Apparently this recent Academy Award winner/nominee is in danger of joining the 27 Club because things are that bad with her drug issues.


  1. Tricia1311:48 PM

    Jennifer Lawrence

  2. Tricia1311:50 PM

    Or Emma Stone??!!

  3. Both great answers. My guess Emma Stone

  4. Emma Stone is 28.

  5. Tricia1311:58 PM

    @Ryan Yes- Emma is 28 thankfully passed that
    But JLaw is 26:(

  6. Oohnoo12:11 AM

    Brie Larson? She's actually 27 and did just win last year.

  7. Guesser12:14 AM

    Brie Larson? She is 27now, and is in the news lately. I don't think it is an A+ actress

  8. Guesser12:17 AM

    @Oohnoo, your guess wasn't here yet. I think this is her,unfortunately.

  9. GoTrollUrSelf1:20 AM

    I thought he meant 27 as a code, like a 5150 hold. I must have had decaf by mistake.

  10. sandybrook1:23 AM

    ENTY!! I'm losing my patience with you beating up my JLaw get over it, she's young, good looking, successful and rich and you're not.

  11. Tricia132:10 AM

    That is the worst. ... Happened to me once at someone's place-"grounds" for a throw down I'll tell ya

  12. Jenny5:17 AM

    Vikander. Apparently fassbender is terrified to leave her for fear it'll make her snap

  13. information desk8:33 AM

    Vikander is filming tomb raider big action drugs would be steroids if any at all

  14. Color Me Confused9:06 AM

    Speaking of the dreaded 27 Club: I was living in London and one afternoon after work my bosses and office staff went out together for a pint at a local pub. I kept playing Me & Bobby McGee on the juke box. After the fourth time, a Brit came over to the table and, hearing me speak with an American accent said to me, "I want to tell you how terribly sad we all are that your Janis died today! England loved her too." We had no clue! My mouth dropped to the floor and then came the flood of tears. I sat on the floor in front of the juke box and played that song until my boss dragged me out of the place.

  15. Charlotte9:44 AM

    It's Alicia Vikander...apparently, she has a serious problem with painkiller pills and recently was in rehab out of the country.

    Multiple Blind Gossip sites have written about this BI and all details point to Vikander (and those details are really obvious).

  16. Charlotte9:46 AM

    Larson is a well known stoner, but it isn't her...it's Alicia Vikander (also a recent Oscar winner).

  17. Hortensia9:56 AM

    Vikander? She's tiny! Just saw her in Jason Bourne. Tiny bodies can't handle chemicals.

  18. Charlotte9:59 AM

    It's Vikander. Blind Gossip also has the same BI posted on their site. It's obvious that it's Vikander...the other details like failed film she thought she would be nominated for (Light Between Oceans), boyfriend issues (Michael Fassbender), recent Oscar winner who will be at the Oscars to present the Best Supporting Actor Oscar...

    It's Alicia Vikander.

  19. Clarisse McClellan10:36 AM

    Vikander is 28 though, and the blind suggests this happens before turning 27, which would be Lawrence. There was another blind about JL where her family staged an intervention.

  20. Nonya Business12:08 PM

    Totally Vikander look at this quote. "I push myself hard. I don’t like pain, exactly, but as a ballerina I lived in constant pain. At ballet school in Stockholm, I remember we had a locker where if someone had been to the doctor and gotten painkillers, we divided them among us. In a sense we were all addicted. After I quit dancing, for a while it felt strange not to be in pain. It was as if an old friend, not a good friend but a presence, always tagging along, had left me."

  21. Camal192:26 AM

    It's Vikader. She's apparently pill popping and is going to go to rehab before the Oscars.

  22. information desk2:51 AM

    Oscars are in 3 days so she's going for a 2 day stint
